Poor Old Lady

Total Head

Well-Known Member
that's just fucked up. my favorite part was where no charges have been filed yet. i like the comment where someone pointed out how much time and effort went into the stakeout when a couple mouse clicks would have told them she was legit. refusing to count the plants? lol she's allowed over 90. how the fuck would anyone know if she was over without counting? those bacon fucks should have their badges taken. i just can't believe what a waste of time and money this was, and i don't even pay taxes to canada.


Well-Known Member
lol RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police. lol, Mounties! It's canada man, they were bored. Prolly sittin around getting tired of cleaning up moose droppings. OH!! It also says it was a rural residence. They were prolly pissed off they had to ride out that far to check it out lol, get it? mounted police, ride out there? oh canada, you guys are still funny lookin :D


Pickle Queen
lol RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police. lol, Mounties! It's canada man, they were bored. Prolly sittin around getting tired of cleaning up moose droppings. OH!! It also says it was a rural residence. They were prolly pissed off they had to ride out that far to check it out lol, get it? mounted police, ride out there? oh canada, you guys are still funny lookin :D
No canada has all the hot friendly people, we work hard and eat healthy, all the nasty fatties/fakers are across the border eating Sonic or some other processed nasty food,
And moose poo pick up is a respectable job, bahahaha most RCMP travel around with the drug exemple box and give the "don't do drugs unless your a dope speach" at local schools. Nothings sexier then a mustached man in hammer pants ridding a moose, i guess most non canucks don't know our mounties ride moose instead or horses


Well-Known Member
Id ride a moose.....id ride that bitch backwards like the oldspice dude on a horse. And say "im on a moose."



Well-Known Member
No canada has all the hot friendly people, we work hard and eat healthy, all the nasty fatties/fakers are across the border eating Sonic or some other processed nasty food,
And moose poo pick up is a respectable job, bahahaha most RCMP travel around with the drug exemple box and give the "don't do drugs unless your a dope speach" at local schools. Nothings sexier then a mustached man in hammer pants ridding a moose, i guess most non canucks don't know our mounties ride moose instead or horses
funnily, all the "hottest" actors or entertainers in america , usually turn out to be canadian (sometimes australian) when you check.


Well-Known Member
IM Canadian & pay a shit load of taxes (Successful pot head :) ) & that;s nothing but abuse.

The cop was a dink with a personal agenda is my first knee jerk reaction. BUT, don't forget that that the same area of the country where 4 or 6 RCMP officers were shot & killed a couple years ago on a pot bust. They started looking at things a little different after that which is understandable to a degree. But if that's the experience of the officer here than he should be moved over to some other form of crime fighting. Like you don't have a cop who's daughter dies of a drug overdose investigating small time drug dealers. Too much personal experience & it clouds their judgement.

I just wish we'd all just hurry up & legalize the shit so we can move on.



Well-Known Member
im canadian & pay a shit load of taxes (successful pot head :) ) & that;s nothing but abuse.

The cop was a dink with a personal agenda is my first knee jerk reaction. But, don't forget that that the same area of the country where 4 or 6 rcmp officers were shot & killed a couple years ago on a pot bust. They started looking at things a little different after that which is understandable to a degree. But if that's the experience of the officer here than he should be moved over to some other form of crime fighting. Like you don't have a cop who's daughter dies of a drug overdose investigating small time drug dealers. Too much personal experience & it clouds their judgement.

I just wish we'd all just hurry up & legalize the shit so we can move on.



Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
What would you do if 6 assholes on moose showed up all stoked to take your bud? I'd be so fucking confused like....where are the light and cars...wtf? Am I on punk'd?