Poor & Lazy Man's first grow setup (please advice)


Hello guys! This is a bully-free zone ;_;


As the title says, its my first grow.

Inside a spare room, is a 4 person camping tent. Lots of jimmying around and I've got myself 5 pots under 2 x 100W LED Floods and 5 x 45W CFL's.

No temperature guage. No moisture meter. No direct exhaust. Attached next to the camp site is a bathroom. I leave it open and turn on its exhaust. Leave a pedestal fan running inside the camp. On the top of the camp there's a cut netting from which the lights hang, sort of like a chimney exhaust. How I got these plants to grow where they are is beyond me. Two skunk # 1's (the fastest growing) two pineapple chunk and one LsD. Barneys farm.

Since its lazy man's grow, no reflective material on walls, just almunium foil on the floor. They've been here a month exact. How do they look? Awaiting wizards and their responses




Well-Known Member
Sweet. They look happy so far. Reminds me of how I started out indoors. No gear and just see if this works. Ha. I hope you're ready for an adventure, especially doing things on a budget.

No need for the foil on the floor. Flat white painted cardboard would be more reflective and it would be more useful around the sides maybe propped up around the plants. For the floor, I'd just keep it clean. Use the foil for a cool hat. ha just kidding

You could definitely grow those into mother plants in there as long as heat didn't become a problem. You're going to need an oscillating fan of some kind to keep them happy.

You may need to look into getting more lumens for flowering. You need about 4,000 per square foot if I remember right. Best of luck.


Do what you can with what you have, just don't start a fire. Good luck
Got a couple of smoke detectors ane a big ass fire extinguisher just in case

Sweet. They look happy so far. Reminds me of how I started out indoors. No gear and just see if this works. Ha. I hope you're ready for an adventure, especially doing things on a budget.

No need for the foil on the floor. Flat white painted cardboard would be more reflective and it would be more useful around the sides maybe propped up around the plants. For the floor, I'd just keep it clean. Use the foil for a cool hat. ha just kidding

You could definitely grow those into mother plants in there as long as heat didn't become a problem. You're going to need an oscillating fan of some kind to keep them happy.

You may need to look into getting more lumens for flowering. You need about 4,000 per square foot if I remember right. Best of luck.
Hi thanks for the response.

White cardboard sounss good. I'm going to be a building a grow cabinet soon so will incorporate all the necessary equipment in there. Already have a fan in there at very low speed but its oscilation isn't work so I've put the air flow at an incline but it does hit them head on would that be a problem? Thanks


No. You want your fan to blow over them. It builds stronger stems and during flower can help with keeping mold at bay.

They look healthy though.
Thanks will do.

One question;

We don't have liquid nitrogen here only grains would that be okay to use?



Well-Known Member
Get some basic slow release ferts if you have to. I don't think liquid nitrogen works quite the same as soil bound nitrogen. That. And your soil should have some in it still.

The bigger the pot. The longer your plant can go before needing to be fed. As they'll search out what they need in the soil.


Well-Known Member
You can feed them with Neutrog Go Go Juice and other things too. Just go easy on the ferts. They typically don't need anything for at least the first couple of weeks. Or. Until they start to yellow a bit. Then you know they're hungry.


You can feed them with Neutrog Go Go Juice and other things too. Just go easy on the ferts. They typically don't need anything for at least the first couple of weeks. Or. Until they start to yellow a bit. Then you know they're hungry.
There's yellowing on the bottom two leaves on all plants I read those tend to fall off naturally though I'm not sure if it'll rise towards the upper set of leaves.

Skunk plant already has a significant amount of curling/clawing which I'm unable to diagnose since its supposed to be nitrogen toxicity doe I haven't givem em any


Well-Known Member
Clawing could be excessive watering. Do you know your pH when you do? For soil it should be about 6.5.

As for those first two leaves. They fall off naturally. They're basically starter leaves before the real ones come in. It's when the real ones yellow and fall off then you've got to start worrying.


Clawing could be excessive watering. Do you know your pH when you do? For soil it should be about 6.5.

As for those first two leaves. They fall off naturally. They're basically starter leaves before the real ones come in. It's when the real ones yellow and fall off then you've got to start worrying.
Soil is 6.5. I read that the first two leaves fall off and its happening to all 5 plants now hoping it doesn't catch up with the rest of em. Thanks for all your support + info! Much appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Soil is 6.5. I read that the first two leaves fall off and its happening to all 5 plants now hoping it doesn't catch up with the rest of em. Thanks for all your support + info! Much appreciated :)
Are you going to grow those out in those pots , I see you already added soil. The reason I ask is I was going to mention that you could bury them a little deeper after the round leaves come off, it gives the plant more roots. And I give my plants 6.0 ph bc the soil buffers but if it is 6.2 or 6.5 I can live with it .


Are you going to grow those out in those pots , I see you already added soil. The reason I ask is I was going to mention that you could bury them a little deeper after the round leaves come off, it gives the plant more roots. And I give my plants 6.0 ph bc the soil buffers but if it is 6.2 or 6.5 I can live with it .
Bury them deeper how? I transplated a few days back from smaller pots do you mean to fill them up to the brin even more? Perhaps a mound?


Well-Known Member
Not exactly, I was asked about what your plans are, not really telling you what to do bc I don't know your situation. But I use larger pots to flower in, my room is 8x8x7 so I can handle a pretty good size plant or 6 . I'm not saying your doing anything wrong, I was just trying to get a feel for what your goals are and if could offer advice, I didn't mean to shake you up . Ohh and if your are using those till the end you could mound up if you wanted to but you'll have to water slowly a or risk making a mess in the floor.
Very creative. They look happy. Just don't rely on this setup for too long. The pots are too shallow. The lighting isn't sufficient and they will need more space above. Once you upgrade to more appropriate lighting... that tent is going to become a fire hazard if it isn't already. Good luck!