Poor clone transportation.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys first time poster and grower here.

Having trouble with a couple of the 6 clones i got recently 1 especially is showing little to no sign of growth.

Now im thinking it is due to the piss poor transport of these clones to me the guy turned up at the door with all 6 of them squashed up in his hands just there rooting pellets n no more then 2 inches of clone above them immediatley i know even as a first time grower that this is a big no no n would be a miracle if any of them survived the leaves were crushed and broken due to them being squashed up in his hands no tray or dome literally just squashed up in his hands. Upon ordeing of these clones i had expected them to be abit further on then that and hadnt anticipated them being battered n transported so poorly so of course i didnt have the gear to care for them i had a 600w light set up in 2x2x2 tent as far away from them as possible didnt help that on that day the temp outside was already 28 dehgress so in there with the light it was 32 degrees plus not good so had to act fast i got myself to hydro shop soon as and bought a small led grow light this got the temps back down to 25 degrees with 3 fans non of which pointed directly at the plants to avoid stressing them. Anyway back to the point 5 of them all have new growth up top 1 is doing especially well considering what they have been through there is just 1 that has no new growth 5 days in is there anything i can do to help it get going will post a pic any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Heres the pic. One in the circle isnt growing at all n some a growing in strange ways which i think is because they had been crushed. Currently in light potting mix(1 week of nutes) so not adding nutes at this time lightly watering them every couple of days i check on them by the hour to ensure they are not drying out have thought about spraying the lagging clone but the info i read is always contradictory onenpost i read says i shouldnt spraythem others say i should humidity sits between 50-60% with no dome.


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Your first post was a very successful one. Welcome!

What you have to do now is, NOT baby the plant to death trying all kinds of things to speed her recovery, because that is what this is, recovery healing time. Be thankful the girl is alive and just keep doing the same good job you've been doing with them all and keep her comfortable while she is establishing herself. what you see above is what is happening below and vise versa. When her roots are established top growth will continue. DO NOT overwater; water too soon before she needs it. Taking longer to recover from the beginning compared to the others, consider her roots size and efficiency at uptaking and using water compared to others, so don't just water them all same time. Overwatering is the worst thing you can do; watering too soon before they need it on some kind of made up precise schedule.
Thanks for the swift replies guys. I only water them lightly (cover the surface area of soil with water nnlet it drain through) and have only done this when the top inch of soil feels dried out is that too much? Also was i right in thinking these clones should not have been brought to me in such a terrible state? I nearly refused them but was super keen to get my first grow on the go glad i didnt because like i said for the most part they are doing well. Thanks again guys.
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At least a cardboard box with plants standing straight on their own, not in some jerk offs hands tossing it to you like it's a bunch of radishes with the leaves hanging off at a farmer's market. For sure don't use those idiots again or you know what you will be
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Haha i thought the same johnei, i gave the guy some serious shit for it too the poor condition was 1 thing but turning up with 6 illegal plants in his hands for everyone on the street to see really pissed me off. Will not be purchasing a thing from him ever again.
Quick question unrelated to poor clone transportation but just wanted to discuss my end game set up.

I got a 2mx2mx2m tent using 6inch extractor and carbon filter with 5inch intake fan with 3 oscelating fans inside. Im looking to have 3 600w hps lights 2 plants to each light leaving me room to move in the remaining 1m floor space. Going to buy a couple more LED strips to mount to the corners of the tent during flowering to offer blue spectrum light along with red spectrum from the hps. Does all that seem viable or am i going overkill?
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Also plan on LST not looking to top as its my first grow (1 step at a time right?) Oh, and will be using 5gal fabric pots.
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They look good to me considering being so battered,that's 420 abuse:fire: hope you will keep pics. posted, all new situations on grows are great read for us newbies:hump:
They're standing tall, they'll be fine. Just don't over water. That circled one might not make it, it looks like the primary growth shoot might be dead, just a coupe fan leaves there. I've seen worse pop back though.
Thanks for the imput guys much appreciated and i will keep posting pics of progress. I wad thinking the same weedfreak however upon my hourly inspection recently i have noticed a very slight bit of growth on the badly damaged primary growth shoot on the lagging youngster. Fingers crossed she is on the mend .
A pic to show my findings. (I know you love this stuff gg2) haha its hard to make out but there is a very small amount of brand new sprouting which wasnt visible yesturday. All though i am a noob after all maybe its wishful thinking. Anyhow hope she recovers


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A pic to show my findings. (I know you love this stuff gg2) haha its hard to make out but there is a very small amount of brand new sprouting which wasnt visible yesturday. All though i am a noob after all maybe its wishful thinking. Anyhow hope she recovers
not wishful thinking Bleno429, b/c I can seem them too! how old is this one? My three are almost 4 weeks old and way smaller, I think I got ''little ppl. grow;; lol:lol:
Ahhh goood i was hoping it wasnt just me haha, yes very pleased she is on the mend. I couldnt tell you how far along they are all i know is i was delivered these clones already rooted (but in very bad condition) 5 days ago non were more then 2 inches tall then.
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not wishful thinking Bleno429, b/c I can seem them too! how old is this one? My three are almost 4 weeks old and way smaller, I think I got ''little ppl. grow;; lol:lol:
did you start yours from seed or were they from clone. i dont really start the day count until they have been transplanted from the cloning stage to soil, and have started to grow. I find some times it takes almost 2 weeks before they start growing sometimes.
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A pic to show my findings. (I know you love this stuff gg2) haha its hard to make out but there is a very small amount of brand new sprouting which wasnt visible yesturday. All though i am a noob after all maybe its wishful thinking. Anyhow hope she recovers
only time will tell.. it may just take a while for it to get into full grow mode.
if you have more plants at your disposal i would just cull it. it is hard to do but why grow out a plant that has been stunted since the start, chances are it will just lag behind and not produce what it should have.
but if thats your only chance at a plant then it will just take some time, and maybe think about getting a mother to pull clones off if getting plants is a issue?
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