Polyploid or just a misfit?

I'm fairly new to growing with 2 soils under my belt and in the middle of my first hydro. Things are going well, but I have one plant that I don't quite know what to make of.

All my moms were germinated at the same time in a damp paper towel, but one took an exceedingly long time to sprout after being put in a rockwool cube. This oddball is Hash Plant from www.marijuana-seeds.nl and came free with my seed order. I grew this strain before in soil with less than spectacular results. The plant was gangly and had no main cola on top, just a bunch of popcorn buds on branches. The buds had very small calyxes and lots of thick sturdy hairs. Potency was marginal compared to other plants that harvest, but it did get me high.

Well after the other moms were growing their first true leaves the hash plant sprouted. However, it was not the leaves, but rather a root tip that emerged. It was originally thin, white, and with a point at the tip, much like any root. It slowly turned green starting from the tip and grew thicker, but not longer. Also, the tip turned flat and not pointed. After a few weeks of nothing but this odd root tip i investigated the inside of the rockwool cube. The baby leaves were stuck inside of the split seed casing and weren't being pushed to the surface. I removed the seed casing with tweezers and gently propped the fresh shoot up into the light.

This started growing fine, if a bit slow. Soon I noticed it looked weird. Some fan leaves have even numbers (4,6,8). Branching from the stem is very irregular. Some spots have single branches coming out. Some have 3 or 4 or 5. The taller the plant grows the closer the node spacing is on the stem. Now the top is just a cluster-fuck of branches. The stem is circular and looks normal right at the base, but then turns to an oval as it goes up. It almost looks like two parallel stems fused together. I also get very little branching from branches other than the stem. This means I don't really have anything to clip for a clone yet.

I've read a little about the existence of polyploids and there seems to be some similarity between the looks of those and what I have. I didn't do any of the tricks or chemicals people use to turn plants polyploid, but I thought that maybe the plant's stressful birth could have caused it. I am not near knowledgeable enough about polyploids for my prognosis to be anything more than a stab in the dark to explain a fucked up looking plant.

Anyone experienced with polyploids have a comment? Anyone else ever grow a plant that looks like this?

I hope i can eventually clone it, and hope even more it's a girl.

