Pollen sacs exploded


Well-Known Member
So I just got back to my lone, hermie plant after a 16 day vacation. Luckily my auto water worked perfectly. The thing is I found some balls I forgot about, and a couple of them exploded, or at least I think they were balls. There were some yellow dust on the fan leaf under them. Am I totally fucked? I got rid of the rest of the balls without poping them, but...

Its 5 weeks into flower. Some hairs have started to turn orange. Should I harvest before they go to seed, or am I too late


Active Member
Sry bro from what I understand is that your too late. When pollen touchs the pistons it turns burn/orange or whatever colour.


Well-Known Member
Well, once pollinated, they will definitely produce seeds.

If the sacs are in an isolated location, you may find that only a portion of the bud goes seeded. Pollen physically must come in contact with each of the flowers in order to initiate seed growth.
The effect does not magically transfer across the plant.

If you feel your yield will be higher by harvesting early, go for it.

You could also just let it grow out and go about de-seeding your bud, or using that plant for hash of some sort.

Good luck!

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Too late, AND you gotta clean the crap out of your room before next time. I had one explode once, and then had phantom seeds on my NEXT grow.


Well-Known Member
let it grow out it will still get more resin than if u harvested early. pick or dont pick the seeds and make hash maaan!


Well-Known Member
all the sacs were on the lower part of the plant. It is not very humid in the room, or hot, so I don't really need a fan on. So I should just let the plant grow? The buds that are pollenated, are they smokable? Like I know it goes to seed, but I'm okay with very seedy bud.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
all the sacs were on the lower part of the plant. It is not very humid in the room, or hot, so I don't really need a fan on. So I should just let the plant grow? The buds that are pollenated, are they smokable? Like I know it goes to seed, but I'm okay with very seedy bud.
if seeded bud doesn't bother you then let it grow. there should only be a few seeds, not like a bag of mexicrap. i'd take a mature bud with a few seeds over early bud any day. i also think bud full of immature seeds sucks more than seeds that can be easily identified and picked out,


Well-Known Member
if u saw yellow powder on plant , it will be seedy. may as well harvest it ,if its pollinated enough plant goes into lockdown and only produces seeds, which takes all its energy. And why the hell was hermie your only plant?


Well-Known Member
if u saw yellow powder on plant , it will be seedy. may as well harvest it ,if its pollinated enough plant goes into lockdown and only produces seeds, which takes all its energy. And why the hell was hermie your only plant?
a hermie was your only plant??in that case u should def grow it for seeds alone


Active Member
What's the harm in growing it out? You think it will waste time? I'd grow it out if it's your only plant, sounds like you'll get some smoke and some seeds for the future. If not, well then what did you have to lose anyway. And in the end make hash.


Well-Known Member
And why the hell was hermie your only plant?
Well, when I started growing I was like...I really really really want a hermie. I mean it is soo much better than a female. Boy was a releaved when i saw balls and pistols...lol

But actually I found bagseed, for shits and giggles I germinated it, and only one came up. And it hermed, even though it had no stress or light leaking through


Let it finish and harvest the seeds and use em on next grow. I invision there will be very little to smoke from it tbh. At least you don't have to go buy any more seeds now eh!?


u will get some smokeableweed, more than u actually might think, it still grows flowers to u know, just not as big cus of seed making, ull also get hundreds possibly thousands of seeds if u do it right and still have buds with little or no seeds,be smart!!!