pollen question

mountain dweller

Well-Known Member
First of all not sure where to put breeding questions so i just threw it here.

OK, I just found a male Jedi Kush in my flower room. Pretty sure I caught it before anything opened(praying) and I immediately removed it and cut it down chopped it up and threw it in the trash in a sealed bag. Well got to thinking about it and went back 3 days later dug it out and cut all the pollen sacks off ,none of which were open, and put them in a pill bottle.

Question 1.... what should i do now? can this be used at all? my thinking was i would crush it up a little and use it to pollinate a J/K female for seeds but now i read they have to open and fall to collect.

Question 2. If I can use it and since J/K is Deathstar X OG Kush and I also have pure deathstar what would i end up with if i pollinated a female D/S with this?I'm guessing the resulting seeds would have a little more of the D/S