Well, by golly some of these folks are FAST! Got a reply from DNA Genetics and Magus. I guess my idea isn't dead, but, LOL, pretty much on life support. I will post more as it comes in..........BB
DNA Genetics to me
show details 6:09 AM (2 hours ago)
hey there,
unfortunately we do not trade pollen or sell it

but we have kicked the idea around of making Male seeds or as we call it (stud farming that way people can have the pure male seed line.. but we have just kicked the idea around ...
im sure that there alot of groers out there that would freely give up some males/pollen from there parent stock.
i wish you the best of luck on your mission
MAGUS to me
Hello Gary,
Nice to hear from you, I'm not registered at Rollitup, but I do know about it and visit/read quite frequently.
I can understand your interest or "pipe dream" but I'm afraid it will stay a dream as I can't see it commercially viable.
The relative low demand/turnover combined with rather high production costs and low/short shelf-life issues, will make it pretty much impossible to do this.
The producer could work on a register/application base and produce just one time and ship out to the customers that have registered or applied for it all at the same time to combat the shelf-life issue.
But even in that case those problems get transferred to the customer unless the receiving plants are in optimum flower stage exactly at the time of receiving the pollen.
All possible measurements to combat this, like keeping the pollen frozen and ship on dry ice are very expensive and require a level of professionalism that's not really common/standard within this industry.
The closest thing that's possible (in theory) would be to develop an all male line so those that need pollen can grow out only a few plants to be sure of a good pollen source, but even that would cost a lot of time and investment so the price would be high.
Since it would also be a "niche" market, turnover will be low and therefore (again) the result would be an even higher retail price, most likely high enough that most will prefer to take their chances (50/50) with the regular lines.
The only potential benefit for a company to do this would be for prestige as in showing of their skill, and although I must admit that the thought of that is rather appealing, the price is to high for me personally.
You need to find one with a bigger ego, a bigger wallet, or both lol.
To put it short, a great idea, especially in the eyes of those that want to fiddle with breeding a bit as a hobby but don't like to grow a lot of plants because of the risk involved, but it's not possible to even reach/approach brake-even i.m.o.
We will have to wait until things get fully legalised before things like this can be done (bring on Utopia), I'm sure the moment that happens communities like rollitup will have special forums or some sort of market place where members can exchange all kinds of material, seeds, cuttings, and maybe even pollen.
I'm sorry to burst your balloon as it is a nice one, but I don't think its feasible.