Pollen and seeds


My males are already producing decent-sized sacks, but my females are at least a week away from being ready. I plan to move a male to a closet with only a CFL for a few days. Is this alright? If so, do I stick with 12/12? Can someone tell me the best way to store the pollen? I've saved it in Tupperware for over a week before and used it with no problem, but I'm trying to make sure I'm doing everything right from now on. I learned from someone who only knew enough to get by. I'm trying to get better results with the help of the internet. I tried reading a post about this, but it was poorly written and, therefore, hard to follow since the pictures didn't show up. It did say to use the male with the most and fattest sacks. If that's wrong, please let me know.
On a related note, these diesel seeds are producing at least 35% males. Does re-pollinating over several grows reduce that? Should I even use their pollen since I've already done this once and I'm still getting so many males? I have another strain going and it's feminized. I was told you get feminized seeds by forcing the plant to hermi. Is this correct? If not, how do you? Will pollinating the feminized plant with the unfeminized diesel produce feminized seeds? I doubt it, but I'd like to know all of this for sure.
I'd appreciate any help any of you can give me.