Poll : How long to veg ? w/Pic

How long to veg these ?

  • They are the perfect size now, don't let them get any bigger.

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Let em veg for a couple weeks and get some weight.

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Bigger the better

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • You fd up dude, those plants are already too big.

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Do your own planning, you lazy bastard.

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Man o' the green

Active Member
12 plants and 600w HPS x 2.
How much longer should I veg for an optimal yield given this much light ?

Isn't he going to bring those lights closer ? :shock:



Active Member
Flowering increased height of my plants by a tad more than double, after 8weeks. I was running out of ceiling with a cooltube 400 (vented), so had to top one. I should have topped it sooner, it created 4 colas, but they werent as big as i bet they couldve been. Looks like it may be close on these should flowering begin soon, with no topping or LST.

Or.....was this a trick questin?


I voted to "do your own planning you lazy bastard".... only because i get the feeling you have a plan laid out already ;)


Well-Known Member
woman o´the green;3488123 said:
I voted for bigger the better. Because you maybe then have there the perfect perfect plant..... Or you not think so? ;)
I don't know the strain but many will at least double in height. Looks nice man.

With 1000w lights you really don't need to raise or lower the lights. Maybe that applies with 600's.

Man o' the green

Active Member
I'd like to thank everyone who provided their input on this and voted.
I've decided to start flowering right away based on the responses I've had, and my original planning. There does not seem to be a consensus, but I thought I would take the middle way. I was originally planning to wait a couple more weeks, but I believe I can get just as good total production with the plants being slightly smaller, considering how much light I have. The other factor was that my clones finally rooted, and I won't need to take further cuttings. I anticipated this result and started 12/12 on Monday. See my journal for more information, and thanks again.

Journal :


Well-Known Member
I'd like to thank everyone who provided their input on this and voted.
I've decided to start flowering right away based on the responses I've had, and my original planning. There does not seem to be a consensus, but I thought I would take the middle way. I was originally planning to wait a couple more weeks, but I believe I can get just as good total production with the plants being slightly smaller, considering how much light I have. The other factor was that my clones finally rooted, and I won't need to take further cuttings. I anticipated this result and started 12/12 on Monday. See my journal for more information, and thanks again.

Journal :

Just noticed you are doing a hand water rockwool grow. How are you watering them? What I would do if I were doing a hand water RW grow...I would get a bucket, mix my nutes and dump the RW into the bucket. The plants might get to big to do this but once they are rooted well through that bigger block you could litterally pick up the plant by the stalk and dunk it.

RW is historically flooded for 10-15 min every 3 hours or so. You won't be over watering.

Your grow looks fine though, so keep doing what you're doing if you don't want to switch it up.

Man o' the green

Active Member
Just noticed you are doing a hand water rockwool grow. How are you watering them?
I have a couple of methods, both involve a 5-6 gallon bucket with a spigot. In the one case i mix up nutes and fill up individual gallon jugs for watering. Another method is with a hose attached to the bucket, to the plants, by hand. Both are somewhat labor-intensive. Each plant uses about a gallon of water every 6 days, so I have to make at least 4 gallons every other day. I typically do :
veg -> nutes,nutes,water repeat
flower -> nutes,water,water repeat
- unless there is an imbalance. Soak every other day which allows it to get dry enough in between. I use local hard water and add ph-down to correct it.


Active Member
You got it going. I hand water mine, very close relationship. 1/3 gallon every 4 days as babies. I enjoy the fathering as much as the smokin'. Yours look great, let us know as it gets closer to finish.

Man o' the green

Active Member
Just wanted to show everyone who participated what they look like after 16 days of flowering. I don't expect them to get much bigger now, but you can see the difference two weeks makes.

I think flowering immediately was the right choice.

Before and after pic

