Politics Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
totally weak.

which is why i will only be getting 2500 for it here in a market where the dispensaries are pimping their (much shittier) legal weed.

only about 2 pounds from under 1200 watts, too. i really need to figure out where it all went wrong.

some idiots two doors down were shooting off fireworks as i was trimming tonight. about 6 cops showed up, all hovering within 50 feet of my house. i bet they got a good whiff.

How do you know what the dry weight is when its only been a day since you harvested? You barely got it trimmed. Or do you have a special process which dries and cures all buds in 24 hours?

I would not "Guesstimate" dry weight as 2 pounds until you actually weigh it.


Well-Known Member
How do you know what the dry weight is when its only been a day since you harvested? You barely got it trimmed. Or do you have a special process which dries and cures all buds in 24 hours?

I would not "Guesstimate" dry weight as 2 pounds until you actually weigh it.
well, if you have an oven..



Well-Known Member
How do you know what the dry weight is when its only been a day since you harvested? You barely got it trimmed. Or do you have a special process which dries and cures all buds in 24 hours?

I would not "Guesstimate" dry weight as 2 pounds until you actually weigh it.
If you have been running the same cultivar over and over the cycle becomes pretty predictable, the yields also become more predictable.

His estimate are most likely based off previous harvests.

Unless he is using those estimates as hard numbers I fail to see any reasons for criticism.


Well-Known Member
How do you know what the dry weight is when its only been a day since you harvested? You barely got it trimmed. Or do you have a special process which dries and cures all buds in 24 hours?

I would not "Guesstimate" dry weight as 2 pounds until you actually weigh it.
I find it's usually fairly accurate to assume 20-25% of wet weight will be your final dry weight.

Not always accurate, some strains are different but sure you don't sell it till it's dry anyways, so it's just for guessing.


Well-Known Member
I find it's usually fairly accurate to assume 20-25% of wet weight will be your final dry weight.

Not always accurate, some strains are different but sure you don't sell it till it's dry anyways, so it's just for guessing.
Bingo, this combined with the full understanding of your cultivar will lead to more and more accurate estimates each cycle.


Well-Known Member
If you have been running the same cultivar over and over the cycle becomes pretty predictable, the yields also become more predictable.
I can accept that the 2 pounds is an estimate. And for the same reasons you listed, it was a very good answer, now if buck were awake he could confirm it ( which he will).


Well-Known Member
if anyone wants it more closely manicured, they can do it themselves and have a nice pile of sugar leaf to make kief or wax from.

it sells itself just fine with that light of a trim.
Must be the New and Improved Bucky, because not too long ago you had this to say about your product.

i don't even trim that quickly. i take my time with trimming, i consider bag appeal very important.

Guess I don't quite get it, I must be thinking of some other UncleBucky cuz in the the first post you are starting to sound like a businessperson who values his time and money. Making the decision to put less time into bag appeal only because it sells just fine.

Kind of a sell out, but i certainly understand your decision as a monetary one and not one about rep like it was back in Oregon eh?


Well-Known Member
What would you think of someone that germinated all the free seeds they got and grew them out without knowing which ones were which?
I have done a few at my home garden, unfortunately I have only gotten one keeper out of about 100+ bagseeds.

If you have the room and inclination, why not? It also helps me get my timing tighter, running a lot of plants for evaluation is great practice for that.


Well-Known Member

I shower and change clothes, shoes come off before entering an indoor garden, specific shoes/flip flops I have set aside are inside any gardens I frequent or I just go barefoot.

Outside cuttings are quarantined for some time and put through a series of synthetic pest controls, many cuttings do not survive my quarantine and pest control process.

So far any gardens I have maintained this type of hygiene in have gone pest free, one year in October for the home garden.

It is downright irritating for some to try anything along these lines, but if you can give it a try.


Well-Known Member

It might be a problem, but at least the wife appreciates the cleanliness.


Well-Known Member
I have done a few at my home garden, unfortunately I have only gotten one keeper out of about 100+ bagseeds.

If you have the room and inclination, why not? It also helps me get my timing tighter, running a lot of plants for evaluation is great practice for that.
not talking about bagseed. More like UFOs.