politicians to old? younger should step up?

I disagree that all of the old politicians need to be out of office
for things to change direction.

As a young guy, I had mentors who taught me skills that I utilized and expanded
upon with a new set of tools at my disposal.

The older generations can and do teach the younger up and comers the way things work.
How could a mid 20's - mid 30's person possibly have all of the knowledge required
to run a country?

There needs to be a good mixture of young and old for a balance of experience and
new age thinking/ways. The old guys can teach the young how the world works while the young
expands it with the working knowledge of new technologies.
hmm everybody who disagrees is too old, and too weak minded.

what an amazing observation, it really blew my mind the first time i heard it, in 1978.

did you thank Abbie Hoffman after you ripped him off or will you simply pretend this is some new and brilliant idea all your own?

your wandering scatterbrained gibberish is not the sign of a strong mind, a strong mind would find the courage and dedication needed to actually spell out the word "People" you are just another self-deluded special snowflake from the post-X generation who assumes that just because that old dude doesn't have a smartphone or know how to program his DVR that you're somehow better than he is. you're a fool.

"You need to be skilled these days.
You need to no be afraid of competition these days...
Innovate and create until you cease to exist.
Or go crawl back to your feeble minded corner and throw in your towel."
~your own dumb ass

and what skills pray tell do you have? what do you create? (Psst, your shitty blog doesn't count as skills or creation)

those old people you so glibly deride BUILT the world you reside in, and if what i see in today's youth proves true, then the future is fucked, since none of you little twats seems to know how to swing a fucking hammer or use a fucking shovel.

the future looks like it's gonna be scavenging in the ruins of the cities you can no longer maintain for food you don't know how to grow. but by all means, trust your phone to save you. i'm sure your phone is more useful than you are.

EDIT: also, fuck you, you racist piece of shit. if tomorrows world is "Brown" it will not be by anything your generation has done, except possibly your inability to use a fucking rubber. chicanos have lots of kids arabs have lots of kids, and africans have lots of kids due to LONGSTANDING cultural imperatives, not your soft-serve dogshit psychobabble.
europeans have long had a far lower birthrate than other groups due toy our much lower infant mortality and overall longer lives (thanks western medicine) now that the power of western medicine is helping the entire world, they too will either slow down their birthrates, or breed themselves into poverty. the "brown" future you envision is a minor demographic alteration, not a sea-change in human society, you little shit-for-brains.

I'm sorry my post made you mad and made you resort to name calling..."shit-for-brains?"...Original.
As far as my "amazing observation", you really don't have to look to far to see it.
And I was born in 88'. Don't know who Al whoever is, I just call it like I see it.

And I don't mean to flame old ppl. I have respect for my elders..Notice I quoted "apparently old".
I was just defending the youth. I know that if it wasn't for the ppl that came before me, things wouldn't be the way they are now...
So if anyone of age is seeing this, I sincerely apologize if I offended you with my remarks!

Now,you call me racist. I'm black and white ppl love me like I love them. Brown ppl love me like I love them. And my ppl love me like I love them.
I don't see race. I see face.
Listen to yourself. You're not even worth this reply so you won't get another one no matter what you say...

Hopefully you find what you looking for here on RIU. This place works wonders for growing weed!
I disagree that all of the old politicians need to be out of office
for things to change direction.

As a young guy, I had mentors who taught me skills that I utilized and expanded
upon with a new set of tools at my disposal.

The older generations can and do teach the younger up and comers the way things work.
How could a mid 20's - mid 30's person possibly have all of the knowledge required
to run a country?

There needs to be a good mixture of young and old for a balance of experience and
new age thinking/ways. The old guys can teach the young how the world works while the young
expands it with the working knowledge of new technologies.

I agree 100%.
I'm sorry my post made you mad and made you resort to name calling..."shit-for-brains?"...Original.
As far as my "amazing observation", you really don't have to look to far to see it.
And I was born in 88'. Don't know who Al whoever is, I just call it like I see it.

And I don't mean to flame old ppl. I have respect for my elders..Notice I quoted "apparently old".
I was just defending the youth. I know that if it wasn't for the ppl that came before me, things wouldn't be the way they are now...
So if anyone of age is seeing this, I sincerely apologize if I offended you with my remarks!

Now,you call me racist. I'm black and white ppl love me like I love them. Brown ppl love me like I love them. And my ppl love me like I love them.
I don't see race. I see face.
Listen to yourself. You're not even worth this reply so you won't get another one no matter what you say...

Hopefully you find what you looking for here on RIU. This place works wonders for growing weed!

you dont even know who abbie hoffman is, and youre lecturing everybody else on how to be better "ppl"

i dont give a fuck what colour you are, you ARE a goddamned racist, and you make this obvious when you insinuate that in your new "brown" world everybody loves one another, and white people will presumably be extinct.
white people didnt invent racism, nor slavery, nor torture, nor oppression. BROWN PEOPLE DID. or do you propose that the chaldeeans, hittites, xiongnu, han and mau were all from the netherlands...

you really do apparently actually have shit in the place where a brain should be.
you dont even know who abbie hoffman is, and youre lecturing everybody else on how to be better "ppl"

i dont give a fuck what colour you are, you ARE a goddamned racist, and you make this obvious when you insinuate that in your new "brown" world everybody loves one another, and white people will presumably be extinct.
white people didnt invent racism, nor slavery, nor torture, nor oppression. BROWN PEOPLE DID. or do you propose that the chaldeeans, hittites, xiongnu, han and mau were all from the netherlands...

you really do apparently actually have shit in the place where a brain should be.

and kynes summons his very best "no, YOU'RE the racist!".

bravo, racist bircher. bravo.
and kynes summons his very best "no, YOU'RE the racist!".

bravo, racist bircher. bravo.

your personal endless waves of white guilt and self hate are not my problem.

keep trotting out the same old lame accusations of bircherism all you like, it just makes you look stupider.