
It's okay to disagree with the thoughts or opinions expressed by other people. That doesn't give you the right to deny any sense they might make. Nor does it give you a right to accuse someone of poorly expressing their beliefs just because you don't like what they are saying. Learn to recognize good writing when you read it, even if it means overcoming your pride and opening your mind beyond what is comfortable.
It's okay to disagree with the thoughts or opinions expressed by other people. That doesn't give you the right to deny any sense they might make. Nor does it give you a right to accuse someone of poorly expressing their beliefs just because you don't like what they are saying. Learn to recognize good writing when you read it, even if it means overcoming your pride and opening your mind beyond what is comfortable.
save that malarkey for your sunday school classes you spinster...
I don't quote Malcolm X often. I agree with what he said in the quote that I posted, peace and freedom are intermingled. I believe had he lived longer, he would be an anarchist now.
You would have been against Malcolm requesting a meal in a place that was for whites only. You would have supported the racist white man.

You also do quote Malcolm X often. last time you did it, you spelled the mans name wrong.
I have. Personally. I spent an entire afternoon with him in Moscow in 2001 along with my father-in-law.

He was quite a character. When leaving, he yelled at me,"You are under arrest!"

I looked back in surprise and said,"Who? Me? What for?!"

We both had a good laugh over it.

What he said was that about 60 million people were victims of the gulags. The word victim does not mean they died. In fact, most didn't.

If that story is true, that is pretty interesting, and I envy you.

In The Gulag Archipelago he says between 30-50 million perished, but no ones knows exactly the amount of people as records were not kept of many of the millions who died.
60 million people were victims of the gulag and at least half of them perished.
View attachment 4314045 work conquers all, carpenters union motto
The only thing "free" about so-called free time is that it doesn't cost the boss anything. Free time is mostly devoted to getting ready for work, going to work, returning from work, and recovering from work. Free time is an euphemism for the peculiar way labor as a factor of production not only transports itself at its own expense to and from the workplace but assumes primary responsibility for its own maintenance and repair.

The real enemy" is the totality of physical and mental constraints by which capital, or class society, or statism, or the society of the spectacle expropriates everyday life, the time of our lives. The real enemy is not an object apart from life. It is the organization of life by powers detached from it and turned against it. The apparatus, not its personnel, is the real enemy. But it is by and through the apparatchiks and everyone else participating in the system that domination and deception are made manifest. The totality is the organization of all against each and each against all. It includes all the policemen, all the social workers, all the office workers, all the nuns, all the op-ed columnists, all the drug kingpins from Medellin to Upjohn, all the syndicalists and all the situationists.
You also believe in racial segregation signs and the barter system

I believe there are people (like you) who would gleefully shit on the bathroom floor of a Wendy's burger joint, that doesn't mean I'd sidle up next to them and join them in a thundering fecal salute shit partnership.

How people engage in consensual trade should be up to the willing participants. You don't believe that though, you believe in the forced servitude, or "slavery system". where mutual consent isn't important.
You would have been against Malcolm requesting a meal in a place that was for whites only. You would have supported the racist white man.

You also do quote Malcolm X often. last time you did it, you spelled the mans name wrong.

I would have opened a thriving business across the street from "the racist white man" (or racist black man if that was the case) and served any polite paying customer regardless of race.

You on the other hand, would use a gun to force an unwilling person to serve you....like they were your slave.
I would have opened a thriving business across the street from "the racist white man" (or racist black man if that was the case) and served any polite paying customer regardless of race.

You on the other hand, would use a gun to force an unwilling person to serve you....like they were your slave.
You were around during segregation. Why do you not have or had a business that did such ?
You were around during segregation. Why do you not have or had a business that did such ?

Had you stopped by the lemonade / kool aid stand on the front lawn of my parents house you would have been politely served, as long as you had the dime, (or a maybe a good condition Harmon Killebrew or Hank Aaron baseball card) .

Since then I've had a few other businesses, none of which practiced racial discrimination. None of that gives me the right to tell other people how they'll run their business though. I don't have that right, neither do you. Since you and I are equals in that regard, no other person or combination of other persons could possibly have that right either. It's impossible.

Of course nowadays over 50 years later, kids aren't "allowed" to engage in free market entrepreneurial things, your masters thug /cops will intervene.