Welcome new member, I am a bisexual yoga instructor
But,but her avatar is so cute LOLWelcome new member, I am a bisexual yoga instructor
Well, you might indeed be stupid enough to be Stiggy. Say Stiggy, what part are you missing from your boat?
Stiggy impersonator. I am amazed that anybody would find such a thing interesting or useful.Did ya ever think it was misspelled on purpose ?
Abe superbro gives no fucksStiggy impersonator. I am amazed that anybody would find such a thing interesting or useful.
It's Sad how We The People allow them the Assholes in Washington Divide and Conquer us all.
They have Us right where they want us.
YesUnfortunately, this lot has proven time and again that they are 100% brainwashed
If that were true it would be very sad.Abe superbro gives no fucks
Trump klan rally?Yes
Like Lambs to the slaughter, foolish Sheeple
You’re a mental retard
OohhhhYou’re a mental retard
Hey shrimp dick virgin boi, hows the weather in St. Petersburg?
Sticks and stones now
What's next?
Wants to run for President LOL
Oh Spartacus
Right whingers are in full froth right now. Your masters are playing you like a fiddle.