Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Unfreezing assets is not giving money away. It was their money to begin with.
Second, Trump promised us that we wouldn't have to pay for the wall.
Did he lie???
(We all know the answer.)

Why do you keep defending him? Do you really think it's OK for Americans to pay for the wall that won't work? I bet Breitbart is already creating memes to try to convince us that even though we have to pay for it, the wall is a good investment.

I guarantee it.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Unfreezing assets is not giving money away. It was their money to begin with.
Second, Trump promised us that we wouldn't have to pay for the wall.
Did he lie???
(We all know the answer.)

Why do you keep defending him? Do you really think it's OK for Americans to pay for the wall that won't work? I bet Breitbart is already creating memes to try to convince us that even though we have to pay for it, the wall is a good investment.

I guarantee it.
Well, that was easy.
Chump is now trying to convince us that his wall is a good investment.
Hot off the idiotic press:


Well-Known Member
spaghetti noodle is too fucking dumb to understand that the nuclear option was not used by dems for SCOTUS picks or other legislation.

but that limp-dicked nazi thinks that it's OK to boast about how poorly educated of a nazi you are nowadays.

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
Saying that you don't see (or feel, if you will) color quite simply ignores obvious and important differences that do exist between people of different races. We are not all the same, and in my opinion, our differences should be celebrated, not ignored. When a white person says "I don't see color" and statements like it, while generally well-meaning, are also untrue and dismissive. The American story cannot be told without our indispensable contributions in the building of this nation. "I don't see color" actually means nothing more than "I only see white.".
imagine if there was no killing and we could celebrate our ethnicities.
I said stop talking about it. Stop publicizing it. Stop making massive media coverage over a single innocent that stirs the pot and starts the spectral fire. Take care of it at the local level, the police stuff, yeah take care of it, if it's a bad mishap, hold someone accountable, have the department take care of it. What I mean is stop talking g about it everyday,on every new source and has no idea what really happened. If Obama wanted this taken care of, don't you think he'd gave been having inspectors overlooking departments making sure everything is on the up and up? Instead.. Gangs are building army's. Wars are going on. The media made this. Nothing else.

No wonder they need so much ammunition. Martial law my friend.

wouldn't it be great if the media would show the positive side of race relations and promote interconnectedness cooperation and coalescence and celebrate diversity
heres a meme

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
So you're grouping all police into a bad guy category? Much like separating races? I don't even understand this! OK, 2x more white people are shot a year by cops. White people like you said make up 4x the population but only account for 1/2 the crime. But non whites make up half the crime and account for 17% of the population.

What the hell are we talking about here?

What if a black cop shoots a white guy? There are black racists too! As seen in the video about killing white babies! Does that make me think all non whites are like that? No!
the police are an organization rife with corruption. more whites are shot because there are more whites the ratios are more blacks shot. but they also kill mentally ill folks and assault men women and children everyday. Cops have to deal with assholes on a day to day bases but that is no excuse to treat everyone they encounter in the line of duty like they are an asshole.