Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

What kind of gun? Plan on taking nude selfies with your gun. You want your hardware to compliment one another. Nickel and ivory is a good example. Chiappa Rhino and fun size butterfinger is not a good example. There's nothing wrong with a derringer, but the scale of 1/3rds has a big impact. On a side note, I prefer clover to grass. It's fun and says "hey, I'm not afraid to be different"
i guess it depends on your world view...if you like big trucks, you'll probably go for the colt python/desert eagle hand cannon, as a form of compensation, while if you're more comfortable with yourself, you might go with a Ruger ec9 or LCP2, finish would be an individual choice, do you like it big and flashy, or small and stealthy?...
i guess it depends on your world view...if you like big trucks, you'll probably go for the colt python/desert eagle hand cannon, as a form of compensation, while if you're more comfortable with yourself, you might go with a Ruger ec9 or LCP2, finish would be an individual choice, do you like it big and flashy, or small and stealthy?...
I'm a big fan of modesty. I'm a function over form guy too. Those are both good options. Can't forget the s&w m&p and the Taurus g2c while you're at it.
i guess it depends on your world view...if you like big trucks, you'll probably go for the colt python/desert eagle hand cannon, as a form of compensation, while if you're more comfortable with yourself, you might go with a Ruger ec9 or LCP2, finish would be an individual choice, do you like it big and flashy, or small and stealthy?...
the Python is not an outsize revolver; in fact is is no bigger or heavier than it needs to be. The Desert Eagle, now, whole ‘nother story.
Were they knives, Python
(Carter Cutlery FS1 in white steel, an elegant weapon for a more civilized time)


and Desert Eagle (Rambo, who else?)

I hope you know my opening shot was intended as the worst (some say best) sort of pun.

I’d make one on fetus and feed us, but Qtards would take it at deplorable face value, to forum detriment.

I am not here to attract Qtards or Maganoiacs. But once they show, I treat them like the lacrosse balls they are.
Your pun was good. I'm a sucker for homemade memes. I also like a good bashing. Feed me, Seymour.
Did you say "Stop, don't, please"?

Because all I heard was "Please, don't stop".
Grammar is the first victim of desire.

I remember a joke in which “stop; please don’t” slowly mutated to “please don’t stop”.

~edit~ a lot of rapist thought packed in there in order to impugn the axiom that no means no.
What kind of gun? Plan on taking nude selfies with your gun. You want your hardware to compliment one another. Nickel and ivory is a good example. Chiappa Rhino and fun size butterfinger is not a good example. There's nothing wrong with a derringer, but the scale of 1/3rds has a big impact. On a side note, I prefer clover to grass. It's fun and says "hey, I'm not afraid to be different"
Well I’m am restricted to “long” guns here. Perhaps I’ll go with a 338 mag.