Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.


Although I think the word 'atheist' is stupid. I think non-indoctriinated would be more appropriate.
Why are all you Democrat/Republican Party Pedophile worshippers on this weed web site when the Democrat/Republican Party Pedophiles tell you that you shouldn't use weed because it's addictive & fatal . I mean , according to you fine folks here , they don't lie , do they ? They always tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth , right ???

This is information brought to you by the Democrat/Republican Party Pedophiles at a local hospital

Why are all you Democrat/Republican Party Pedophile worshippers on this weed web site when the Democrat/Republican Party Pedophiles tell you that you shouldn't use weed because it's addictive & fatal . I mean , according to you fine folks here , they don't lie , do they ? They always tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth , right ???

This is information brought to you by the Democrat/Republican Party Pedophiles at a local hospital

View attachment 4411393
Fuck, you sound like a qnon moron accusing everybody of being a pedophile, Trump is the only one with credible accusations of pedophilia against him. Your post marked you as an idiot, pot politics are another issue altogether and the democrats are on the right side of it. Have you been asleep all these years? The GOP is against pot legalization and has always been, look at Florida and Maine as examples of the GOP attitude on pot and Mitch McConnell has been against legalization and still is.

This is just another example of a Trumper fucking himself yet again, this time pot, last time tax cuts for the 1%
Why are all you Democrat/Republican Party Pedophile worshippers on this weed web site when the Democrat/Republican Party Pedophiles tell you that you shouldn't use weed because it's addictive & fatal . I mean , according to you fine folks here , they don't lie , do they ? They always tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth , right ???

This is information brought to you by the Democrat/Republican Party Pedophiles at a local hospital

View attachment 4411393
What country you in because you sound like you are from Trollbeckastan ?