Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Where does he say he hates them? He is just describing the historical process that left almost 70 million dead in Russia in the first half of last century.
I didn't give you meme responses, they are quotes from the person you cited as an authoritative figure.
He was a child when most of this happened, so maybe he changed his viewpoint after we he got older and learned more. I am curious why you brought him up in the first place, what was the point that you were trying to make with that? Did he make some different claims in his other pieces of literature or something else I should be aware of?



You’re pushing a conspiracy theory that is so discredited that it should have died in the bunker with hitler

YouTube radicalized weak ass nazi bitch
Do you think you’ll convince even one person of this lie?

The child separation and concentration camps started under trump. It is such a repugnant and illegal policy that you shitstains are trying to blame Obama for it

Name one person who you think you will convince otherwise

Although officially Jews have never made up more than five percent of the country's total population,5 they played a highly disproportionate and probably decisive role in the infant Bolshevik regime, effectively dominating the Soviet government during its early years. Soviet historians, along with most of their colleagues in the West, for decades preferred to ignore this subject. The facts, though, cannot be denied.

With the notable exception of Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), most of the leading Communists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews. Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) headed the Red Army and, for a time, was chief of Soviet foreign affairs. Yakov Sverdlov (Solomon) was both the Bolshevik party's executive secretary and -- as chairman of the Central Executive Committee -- head of the Soviet government. Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky) headed the Communist International (Comintern), the central agency for spreading revolution in foreign countries. Other prominent Jews included press commissar Karl Radek (Sobelsohn), foreign affairs commissar Maxim Litvinov (Wallach), Lev Kamenev (Rosenfeld) and Moisei Uritsky.6

Lenin himself was of mostly Russian and Kalmuck ancestry, but he was also one-quarter Jewish. His maternal grandfather, Israel (Alexander) Blank, was a Ukrainian Jew who was later baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church.7

A thorough-going internationalist, Lenin viewed ethnic or cultural loyalties with contempt. He had little regard for his own countrymen. "An intelligent Russian," he once remarked, "is almost always a Jew or someone with Jewish blood in his veins."8

Trump dosen't have the connections to provide motel packaged squeeze soap?
How much are they .07 a piece?
The hospitality Industry cries. As well as the kids.
Hey little nazi girl,

Here are the facts.

Obama was hit by about 60,000 unaccompanied minors. He united them with family they had here. Not a single child died. None were denied soap or toothbrushes

Conald has families seeking asylum. He is separating them, throwing them into concentration camps without soap or toothbrushes. Countless children are dying due to neglect. They are being served frozen uncooked food. The conditions are worse than pow camps and these families did everything legally

Care to try to contradict even one word of that, little nazi girl?

Or are you just gonna spam us with some more memes from your nazi Facebook pages about how much you hate Jews?
Hey little nazi girl,

Do you think conald is trying to unite these children with their families, like Obama did?

Or is he torturing and killing innocent children, who all have heartbeats by the way, because he’s a racist fucking loser?


How fucking weak do you have to be to make the most helpless children around your punching bag?

You trumptards are complete fucking pussies
Hey little nazi girl,

Here are the facts.

Obama was hit by about 60,000 unaccompanied minors. He united them with family they had here. Not a single child died. None were denied soap or toothbrushes

Conald has families seeking asylum. He is separating them, throwing them into concentration camps without soap or toothbrushes. Countless children are dying due to neglect. They are being served frozen uncooked food. The conditions are worse than pow camps and these families did everything legally

Care to try to contradict even one word of that, little nazi girl?

Or are you just gonna spam us with some more memes from your nazi Facebook pages about how much you hate Jews?
Would you say Trump is holocausting the illegal immigrants?

Countless children are dying due to neglect.
Just curious, if countless children are dying. How many would that be? 2, 3, 5, 10, 1000? how high can you count LOL
Would you say Trump is holocausting the illegal immigrants?

Just curious, if countless children are dying. How many would that be? 2, 3, 5, 10, 1000? how high can you count LOL

thank you, little nazi girl, for confirming that every word i said is true, that you cannot contradict any of it, and that you are a dumb lying rodent.

takes a pretty insecure little weakling to make defenseless children their sworn enemy.

Would you say Trump is holocausting the illegal immigrants?

Just curious, if countless children are dying. How many would that be? 2, 3, 5, 10, 1000? how high can you count LOL
Lets see what happens if they start getting piled into camps in a country that doesn't have the monetary resources that we have. Trump trying to quarantine these people to Mexico is scary. And your lol count is ignoring that they won't give accurate numbers, at least 24 people that we know of have died in ICE custody.

And that doesn't let us know if anything happened with the nut job militia on the border rounding up people, I am sure they don't have a sound recording system for people that die due to their rigorous care for a displaced people.