Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Another idiot posting fake images. Read up, asshat: https://www.mythdetector.ge/en/myth...-photo-manipulation-about-zbigniew-brzezinski

The obvious giveaway is that the soldier next to Brzezinski is wearing a Pakistani uniform. Osama Bin Laden was never in the army of Pakistan. It's not even him.

If that's not obvious enough, Zbigniew Brzezinski is 5' 11''. Osama Bin Laden was 6' 5". Bin Laden would TOWER over Brzezinski, yet in the image Brzezinski is actually several inches taller than the soldier.



Are you afraid of gays?

Do they make you afraid that maybe you're gay?

Is your masculinity (or lack thereof) threatened in some way by them?

I mean, a guy wearing a black hood so he can't be seen burning the flag of the gay movement...wow. He's afraid of being seen. Afraid of being identified. Afraid of gays finding out who he is.

What sort of insecure moron does things like that and then posts them as if it makes some sort of point?

Oh wait.

You do. Enough said.
To be fair, someone making 175,000 dollars a year FOR LIFE and full paid medical insurance doesn't need a cost of living raise.

Oregon representative Peter DeFazio has voted against and refused to accept all congressional pay raises.
Instead, he has used his pay raises to fund scholarships at five Oregon community colleges. As of the end of 2018, DeFazio has contributed more than $437,000 of after-tax salary toward 270 scholarships.