Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Thanks for helping me cover another bingo square on my "Defensive Racist" card.

Come here legally and no problem. Fuck if I want my taxes paying for immigrants.we have enough lazy non working people wer'e paying for already..
Americans first..
Come here legally and no problem. Fuck if I want my taxes paying for immigrants.we have enough lazy non working people wer'e paying for already..
Americans first..
america first was a KKK slogan, so it seems like you're racist

you say you want people to come here legally but didn't your cocksucking orange hero just say we're full and have no room?
america first was a KKK slogan, so it seems like you're racist

you say you want people to come here legally but didn't your cocksucking orange hero just say we're full and have no room?

I said if you wanna come here do it legally..
This country has enough problems taking care of our vets,elderly, mentally ill etc.
I said if you wanna come here do it legally..
This country has enough problems taking care of our vets,elderly, mentally ill etc.
Not to mention the feeble 43% of non-producing, Trump-supporting, racist, xenophobic idiots whose only tangible asset is their vote.

Why do we need to take care of you idiots anyway? You never bothered to educate yourselves and you are a drain on the country. You should self-deport - if you could find a country that would take you... which you cannot. But Trump loves you. Trump loves the poorly educated.
Like the wealthy billionaires who pay less in taxes than me. I'm so glad my family could have less while some rich puke wrote off his private jet. Genius
Sorry to say boss, your family will always have less with that attitude. I was born in a disused railway car and had Nancy Pelosi for a mother...if your family wants more, you gots to work for it...invent...create...hint: create is not a whine. Or Wine.