Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.


You seem really upset about birthrates.

Do you call your penis "Europa" and hope that one day it will rise?
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Jewish Bolsheviks / communism are responsible for far more deaths just in the last century. I wonder why we don't talk about that? also, why don't you research who owned the slave ships bringing the slaves over?
Or why you feel emboldened to crawl out from under your rock?
Or why you feel emboldened to crawl out from under your rock?Or why you feel emboldened to crawl out from under your rock?Or why you feel emboldened to crawl out from under your rock?Or why you feel emboldened to crawl out from under your rock?Or why you feel emboldened to crawl out from under your rock?Or why you feel emboldened to crawl out from under your rock?Or why you feel emboldened to crawl out from under your rock?Or why you feel emboldened to crawl out from under your rock?Or why you feel emboldened to crawl out from under your rock?Or why you feel emboldened to crawl out from under your rock?

Christianity creates a lot of zealots.
And islam doesn’t or less? :-? Narrowing your reference frame to suit your own opinion is a form of intellectual dishonesty, far worse than any fallacy. I very much doubt you read any of the hundreds of islam verses calling for war, or the endless misogyny and never actually compared Christianity and Islam.

It sure seems some people here have no problem with a religion until it starts to bother them or their political side. Or when it leads to “jews stealing land”. That’s not liberalism, that’s selfish and hypocritical.

You and Buck are suggesting Christianity is the worst and Islam is relatively nothing to worry about. It would make sense then to move to the Middle East or any country where not nearly 90% of congress is christian but muslim. I’m sure there are more than a few who don’t share your discriminating skewed view of reality and would be happy to trade places with you. I do doubt your spouses will be excited.

Not from the Bible... and if it were, it would be in the Old Testament and most christians would dismiss it in practice. While it’s still imprinted in the mindset of most muslims who weren’t even born in Islam ruled societies, it’s culture.

Now how many times did you hashtagh metoo on your Twitter account Buck?

The fact is they are both poison for the mind. If you were to suggest the US is having a bigger problem with Christians at the moment I would agree, but again, I do care about mankind beyond man made borders (often a result of religion fueled wars in the first place).

Some advice Buck: Attack the religion, not its followers. Suggesting “white christians” are the problem is like suggesting brown muslims are a problem, pretty fucked up.
And islam doesn’t or less? :-? Narrowing your reference frame to suit your own opinion is a form of intellectual dishonesty, far worse than any fallacy. I very much doubt you read any of the hundreds of islam verses calling for war, or the endless misogyny and never actually compared Christianity and Islam.

It sure seems some people here have no problem with a religion until it starts to bother them or their political side. Or when it leads to “jews stealing land”. That’s not liberalism, that’s selfish and hypocritical.

You and Buck are suggesting Christianity is the worst and Islam is relatively nothing to worry about. It would make sense then to move to the Middle East or any country where not nearly 90% of congress is christian but muslim. I’m sure there are more than a few who don’t share your discriminating skewed view of reality and would be happy to trade places with you. I do doubt your spouses will be excited.

Not from the Bible... and if it were, it would be in the Old Testament and most christians would dismiss it in practice. While it’s still imprinted in the mindset of most muslims who weren’t even born in Islam ruled societies, it’s culture.

Now how many times did you hashtagh metoo on your Twitter account Buck?

The fact is they are both poison for the mind. If you were to suggest the US is having a bigger problem with Christians at the moment I would agree, but again, I do care about mankind beyond man made borders (often a result of religion fueled wars in the first place).

Some advice Buck: Attack the religion, not its followers. Suggesting “white christians” are the problem is like suggesting brown muslims are a problem, pretty fucked up.
After the history of zealots in Europe and what they have done, how can anybody claim people of the Islamic faith are prone to being worse?

If it's your point that zealots are bad regardless of their belief I'd agree. The problem is zealots, and bigots, not a faith. Fifty peaceable Muslims died in NZ at the hands of a zealot just a couple of days ago, for example.
"if someone points out all the horrible things conald is doing, it must be because they are paid to do so by the jews" - you

can we consider banning this user for his blatant anti-semitism?
cry more little girl , go hate on white people some more then cry to ban someone because "muh anti-semitism!"

cry more little girl , go hate on white people some more then cry to ban someone because "muh anti-semitism!"


One is an evil misinterpretation of a Religion's wishes and the other is an ode to someone who has used Nazi imagery in his streams and spread Nazi propaganda. Why is that so hard to get through your thick racist head?