Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Perhaps you can clear the air an tell me/us wher exactly I sai I ha an engineering background.

One of many reasons why libs reporting is called Fake news (but so is FOX)
Perhaps you could clear the air and tell us why your still here... I asked first ;). And perhaps I was mistaken about the engineering background and if I was it makes even more sense re your builds lol. But again why are you still here, you said you were leaving right?
thought I would gt out in ront of whatever BS post will be made about DJT pulling Acostas press pass

"Shame on you," he told his heckler, who was protesting deportations under the Obama administration.
Obama responded, "Listen you're in my house ... it's not respectful."
The interruption persisted, however, and Obama asked for the heckler to be removed from the East Room.
"As a general rule I am just fine with a few hecklers. But not when I'm up here in the house," he said, as Vice President Joe Biden clapped him on the back.

You know people that would pay $60 per gram for this shreddy stressed out trash? Damn, that's impressive.
LOL no I don’t, If I didn’t burn it it would go in the shatter pail, but probably a waste of butane and time.
Edit: pretty sure that was one of his best ever grows lol.
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thought I would gt out in ront of whatever BS post will be made about DJT pulling Acostas press pass

"Shame on you," he told his heckler, who was protesting deportations under the Obama administration.
Obama responded, "Listen you're in my house ... it's not respectful."
The interruption persisted, however, and Obama asked for the heckler to be removed from the East Room.
"As a general rule I am just fine with a few hecklers. But not when I'm up here in the house," he said, as Vice President Joe Biden clapped him on the back.

Good gosh, you don't know the difference between a heckler and an accredited member of the press. I am surprised, you are usually so intellig...

Oh wait a minute, I am mistaken. You are a very stupid person who believes in really, really lame conspiracy videos.

Can you post some more of those? I can post my own but it is so much better to get you to post ones that you believe in.

thought I would gt out in ront of whatever BS post will be made about DJT pulling Acostas press pass

"Shame on you," he told his heckler, who was protesting deportations under the Obama administration.
Obama responded, "Listen you're in my house ... it's not respectful."
The interruption persisted, however, and Obama asked for the heckler to be removed from the East Room.
"As a general rule I am just fine with a few hecklers. But not when I'm up here in the house," he said, as Vice President Joe Biden clapped him on the back.

WTF does that have to do with what happened? Are you seriously comparing the two?
It easy to paint a picture of some people here, sometimes it’s hard to get that picture out of my mind :(. I’m struggling now with a chip and dip girl and a very unlucky puppy lol.