police target uk growshop customers


Active Member
I read a story somewhere about UK police staking out grow shops and following the customers in the bid to win there war on cannabis, I thought I would start a discussion on this and find out peoples general views on the subject and also see if anybody else has heard of any similar incidents. Feel free to share you stories and views about the law regarding cannabis and the tactics that our government uses to enforce such laws.
I think this may be a tactic that cops use if;
A _ They suspect you're at it and/or they have a personal grudge against you,
B_ They are having a quiet shift and feel like playing at investigation.

It's not like America where cops need probable cause and judge issued search warrants.
In England a Police Sergeant can issue a search warrant (or they could in 2005, when one was issue for the home I was at) and a cop can question you because you have a blue t-shirt and red socks on.

All the smack and crack that's flooded UK for the last 25 years (and crystal meth is increasingly common) but our lazy coppers go after cannabis because it's easy and it's safe (pot heads don't have violent freak outs).
They should be ashamed.
yes i think its disgraceful and border line entrapment when the same government are allowing advertisement and sale of all the tools you need on your local high street then employing people who follow the customers of such outlets it sounds like a trap from the start. that was my point
100% agree with above statement they are a bunch of lazy mofo's
I don't know if "lazy" is the best word. I think opportunist is more appropriate.
If they were truly lazy, they would do nothing. It's like the case of low-hanging fruit or low-risk equities.
Do UK cops have quotas? Is there a special remuneration given to police for busting grow-ops? If there are perverse incentives involved, then this has nothing to do with apathy or zeal.
where do you suggest ?
Not sure. Wherever you think you'll get some traffic from all the boys 'cross the pond. I'm not really sure where that would be. Sorry i'm not as helpful as I wish i could be (not familiar enough with riu)

Best of luck. imho it is lazy, shameful and a complete waste of taxpayer $. You have my sympathies.
Grow well & be safe.

Good luck with that donator North.