Police raid!!!!.... Ohh ShITTT!!! lol


Well-Known Member
Ok so first off, like 80% of the people that live on my road grow, smoke, or deal in some fashion or another. Just a bunch of us rednecks out here in a holler. So Im on my way home from fishing when the wife blows up the phone. I answer and she's pretty upset says there tons of cops and dogs here.

I think oh fuck and fly home I come pulling in and there is like 3 sheriffs and 3 or 4 state troopers and two k9's. Luckily they are at my neighbors house searching his car and house. Well they start walking over into my yard and poking around. Ming you I have a plant growing inside a spare bathroom and one outside hiddin in weeds in the back yard.

Im thinking fuck their dog starts going off I might be ok I have a female pitt in heat and Ill try to use that as a scape goat for their dog gettin fired up. Well Luckily they leave and I said Fuck this I trashed the one in the yard Its too young to save and cut down the one in the spare bathroom its about 2 or 3 weeks shy but I've smoked samples and its good enough to save.

Well anyways just wanted to share my first close call OH SHIT event lol heres what I got off my one plant any ideas on yeild after dry?



Damn, it's good that you didn't get caught, if they do show up poking around keep your dog locked up in a cage though. I've read or watched about half a dozen videos/news reports of cops in the past 6 months wandering onto peoples properties and blasting their dogs just for the hell of it. A few of these videos showing the dogs in cages as they get capped. Kind of hypocritical that you get charged with murdering a police officer if you kill a police K-9, yet they have the legal right to kill your animal if it impedes in any way on their duty.


Well-Known Member
damn that sucks but its better then being in jail
and yeah be careful wit the pitbull around cops i rember when they came to my house looking for my brother the one cop one was really friendy with my dog he said he had 2 the other wasnt so nice about it so i made my dog sit next to me he didn't leave that spot to the cops left


Active Member
Aw.. Dude...
I would say you'd get a fairly decent amount for your troubles, but it is hard to tell.
When they are done drying tell us how much you got, I'm curious=]


Active Member
I would guess around a QP, but it is hard to tell you got a little more trimming to do, could be more I'd be surprised if it was less
Ok so first off, like 80% of the people that live on my road grow, smoke, or deal in some fashion or another.
In the words of lil wayne...The block is hott!!

Disclaimer: I do not like lil wayne and would not advise any of you to buy his music


Active Member
From the looks of it, I'd say you haven't got much more than a couple of ounces, dry. Maybe only an ounce. Bud looks decent enough, though.


Well-Known Member
lmao i wish 6-7, pics are a little decieving it was a emergency quick chop and trim after moving it to another house. Im guessing around 2 dry'd. Once things cool down I will start my next grow in hempy buckets with Easy Ryder, Diesel Ryder, sour cream, motavation, and warlock.


Active Member
what a dildo thinks they are two diferrent pics, so one pic I guesed 3-4 ounses, just realised they where the same pic. more than two im saying 3-4