Police Infared


Active Member
Either a copper or a PCSO had her own house searched for a suspected cannabis grow after an IR camera picked up a strong heat signature. Turned out it was just a really heat inefficient house, but they do use the cameras to locate potential grows. This was in the UK, tried to find a link to the article but it's not happening.

the police in the uk now need a warrant to use the FLIR cam on a house ive been growing 4 live in a bad part of my city by and air port and the bacon chopper is always over my estate never been caught


I agree as well. I have an aquaintance who is a helicopter pilot for the Military and the Feds use them sometimes for crop searching ,(oh by the way this is in Eastern Canada) so I asked him about finding hot spots and such. He said that it was all bullshit. His exact words were "that equipment is available but we don't have it, and when someone gets busted for an indoor growop it's because someone ratted them out for the cash reward or maybe they pissed off somebody in the neighborhood. The police bust the place then say they saw it from their helicopter with their so called equipment and they only do this because otherwise they have to give up the low life who reported you".


Active Member
If you are worried don't grow. Simple. Being aware is different. Mind your own business and don't show your garden off. Loose lips sink ships. Or something like that. Also know your rights. Never ever let the LEO into your home. Without a warrant they can not enter your home without permission. No matter what they say.

One should consider wether or not they should grow. Risk verses reward. Homes are lost, families torn apart, jail and monetary fines just for having some plants. If having this precious plants is so important consider moving to a state where it is legal recreationally or medically. I know I would be devastated if anything ever happened to me or my livelihood because I wanted to have my own garden. Actually to do so could be considered selfish. IMHO.


I'm calling BULLSHIT on this . . . The use of IR to locate grows was found to be a search and therefore unconstitutional without a warrant PRIOR to the flyover! It is a violation of the 4th Amendment to randomly flyover house with IR looking for illegal activity.
Hahahaha, if only it was so. On the contrary, excessive heat signature is what they will take to the judge to get the warrant to search your house. Thankfully my grow is 100% legal (on the state level anyway, lol, it's a 50/50 split with federal). Luckily Feds are not gonna waste time on small house grows so I should be ok for now.


Well-Known Member
Kyllo v. US
[Decided June 11, 2001]

In a 5-4 ruling on June 11, 2001, the US Supreme Court ruled that the use of thermal imaging (infrared) scanners to look at homes for evidence of crimes is unconstitutional without a warrant. The majority issued a broad decision, suggesting that other types of high-tech gear which reduce privacy in the home are also disallowed without a warrant. This decision reverses a set of flip-flopped 9th Circuit Appeals Court decisions where the 9th Circuit first found in favor of Kyllo and then, after a judge resigned, it reheard the case and decided against Kyllo.

The decision was made by an unusual coalition of justices, with Scalia writing the majority opinion, quoting from elements of the ACLU's amicus brief in favor of increased Constitutional rights and Stevens, in dissent, arguing that the Right to Privacy does not protect against scanning devices. Two of the most conservative justices, Scalia and Thomas joined with the more liberal Ginsburg, Breyer, and Souter and the liberal Stevens and moderate Kennedy joined with Rehnquist and O'Connor in dissent.

Scalia's broad opinion argues that technology has weakened the privacy of citizens and "The question we confront today is what limits there are upon this power of technology to shrink the realm of guaranteed privacy. To withdraw protection of this minimum expectation would be to permit police technology to erode the privacy guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment." Justice Scalia and the majority opinion then proposes a standard for checking the constitutionality of search/detection equipment:
We think that obtaining by sense-enhancing technology any information regarding the interior of the home that could not otherwise have been obtained without physical "intrusion into a constitutionally protected area",(Silverman, 365 U.S., at 512), constitutes a search-at least where (as here) the technology in question is not in general public use.​
This proposed rule mirrors that proposed by the ACLU's amicus (friend of the court) brief and, if it becomes a nationwide standard, would offer a great deal of privacy protection to citizens of the U.S.



Active Member
And we all know leo obey all laws. lol. I can see an over exuberant officer taking his personal, sub $500 camera and driving up and down streets. While it couldn't be used as evidence, it could lead to further harrasment.

On the other hand, I'd like to have one to look for heat leaks in insulation and ducting or hot wires, etc.


New Member
Unless you have a major grow going on, don't worry. Police aren't going to waste valuable resources looking for small setups. The are looking for major hot spots. Most likely meth labs and such.
1st step locate a target.
2nd step check on the ground. See if there is anything to be found outside local. Does it smell? Are there an abnormal amount of vehicles in and out? Check the garbage. Ask the neighbors.
3 step warrant
4th step arrest and confiscate.

Make sure that you garbage doesn't show anything out of the ordinary. No cuttings, or any other thing that shows your growing. Just bag that stuff up and throw it away at a gas station.

I had a neighbor accuse me of growing last year. I still haven't had my first grow. I had a grow light on tomatoes... I didn't cover my windows and the leds made it look psychodelic from the street, lol.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, if only it was so. On the contrary, excessive heat signature is what they will take to the judge to get the warrant to search your house. Thankfully my grow is 100% legal (on the state level anyway, lol, it's a 50/50 split with federal). Luckily Feds are not gonna waste time on small house grows so I should be ok for now.
I doubt a judge would give a warrant just on a heat signature.
Not just weed is grown inside. My heat lamps I use to bake paint and powder coat put out a ton of heat. Too much time and money to bust a vegetable grow, or even a one or two plant grow for that matter. There would have to be other evidence. The father of a friend of mine grows his garden in his basement year around, and would make most of our grows look amateurish. Not sure of the exact setup, but it fills an area 24x40 feet, and he uses a shit load of electricity. So, if they could bust you just for heat sig. or high electrical usage, I'm bettin they would have visited him at one point over the years.

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Go to youtube and watch Barry coopers "never get busted again " and u can see what the flir( forward looking infrared radar) looks like. Pretty wild shit. I was busted and made a felon several years ago over 3 seedlings that were an inch tall. All bc of my own carelessness and the fact that my sister in law is a huge cunt. Wish I would have known then what I know now. If you're gonna take the risk make sure ur ducks are in a row. Good luck to all of you. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Homes are lost
Just out of curiosity, how many illegal growers have actually lost their paid for homes? Especially if it wasn't a home converted into an entire grow op. I mean, even in a red state where it's illegal, I have a hard time swallowing that someone can lose their paid for home just because they have a small closet grow :S


Active Member
Yes I am actually more worried about police nosing through trash looking for cuttings, butane cans, whatever incriminating evidence they can to prove probable cause for search... Take precautions to mitigate risk I say but a basement seems like a safe bet IMO... IR can't see through dirt
Another factor few anticipate is unexpected visits from police for other issues like domestic violence or calls from disturbing the peace - neighbors complaining about loud music, or even if there's a loose fugitive in the area... I've read how many get busted because the cops show up for something unrelated to mj & find a grow. I read about a couple having a fight & neighbors call cops & they smell a grow .... I read about how there was a guy cops were looking for hid in a shed full of flowering plants... Perp and homeowner both go to jail be careful


Well-Known Member
hahaha here

the guy tells u everything


Well-Known Member
lol you're paranoid now wait til you have a week left til harvest thats when paranoia creeps in hell I still get paranoid and I'm well within legal limits in a legal state.


I'm calling BULLSHIT on this . . . The use of IR to locate grows was found to be a search and therefore unconstitutional without a warrant PRIOR to the flyover! It is a violation of the 4th Amendment to randomly flyover house with IR looking for illegal activity.

I TOTALLY agree with you, however EVERY citizen of the USA must research whats going on ALL around you right now. The "Constitution" is doomed as far the government is concerned, there are PLENTY of people being arrested every single for things that are within the "Constitution" and the "Second Amendment", but law enforcement dont give a rats.

This is clearly a case of your rights over "probable cause", but you only have to look through video on YouTube or Alex Jones to see the rights of US citizens are being stripped. You are plain stupid if you think the cops wont search your house if they see a heat signature, and they DON'T need a warrant.

I feel for you guys in the US with what I have learnt the last few months, your country is fucked, and it pisses me off such a place with rich heritage is doomed.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Countries that ignore human rights will go the way of the dinosaur, much like the former USSR. Without RIGHTS, FREEDOMS. and LIBERTIES people cannot be productive and will eventually give up and go on welfare. I am living proof of this. Even the native, Geronomo knew this as he argued for his people so they could live normal productive lives.