Police fly overs


Active Member
Hi all, does anyone think that the police helicopter would pick up on my grow.? It's in a cupboard I have two plants growing at the moment the lights that are in there are 300watt led and a 180watt led. It is vented in to the attic, through a carbon filter. Max temp is 28c the attic is not insolated. Any thoughts would be great cheers. Bloody police fly overs are doing my head in.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, does anyone think that the police helicopter would pick up on my grow.? It's in a cupboard I have two plants growing at the moment the lights that are in there are 300watt led and a 180watt led. It is vented in to the attic, through a carbon filter. Max temp is 28c the attic is not insolated. Any thoughts would be great cheers. Bloody police fly overs are doing my head in.
Yeah man. I get that way too. Don't know the answer to your Q. I don't know. Guess we can just hope for the best. Sounds like you're set up is pretty stealth tho. And that's not very many watts either. Good luck.


Active Member
Cheers man the grow its self is in a cupboard with in a cupboard just vented in the attic. They are always flying around the area I live. I went into the attic is cool up there with a little breeze. Just don't no if I'm being paro

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
With your LEDs, your running 480 watts. My computer power supply is 500 watts. The only way LEO could detect your small grow is if you put a sign on your roof that says, "I grow marijuana".
The change of getting caught by being ratted on is WAY more of a risk than them being able to figure something out while looking down.

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
If you live in the US, they need a warrant for an FLIR flyover. Your garden is in your private home, the burden of proof for a home warrant is huge. And there is no law against having a hydroponic garden in your home.

"DEA dont wanna leave green alone, but they never ever ever got a warrant for my home" - Cypress Hill

They cannot say "Well, we happen to see the heat signature from his attic on a fly over, can we have a warrant to make sure he is growing tomatoes, and not weed?". Laws vary in states as to if smell is valid for a warrant.

Don't sell, Don't tell, Don't smell as i have seen written here many times

Be safe,


Active Member
Your right I'm proberly over thinking it. It's about time UK legalise it like the U.S.. Plus LEDs don't give out no where near the heat as hps light.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Your right I'm proberly over thinking it. It's about time UK legalise it like the U.S.. Plus LEDs don't give out no where near the heat as hps light.
Don't assume the USA has become grow safer. In some states, yes (only because the Feds haven't done much against)...In the other states who still have no medical or decriminalization laws, getting caught can be devastating.You can loose your property, money, and time.


Active Member
Don't assume the USA has become grow safer. In some states, yes (only because the Feds haven't done much against)...In the other states who still have no medical or decriminalization laws, getting caught can be devastating.You can loose your property, money, and time.


Well-Known Member
I agree even in the more lenient states in the US it's not a sure thing there's people getting there gardens ripped out here in Cali on a regular basis no matter where your at the po po can show up at anytime .....good luck hope you all have a good trouble free grow


Well-Known Member
You're probably more likely for the police to know your growing by posting what you posted than them doing fly overs. smh


Active Member
Cheers I hope it's trouble free. Another question saves me starting another post I have some jungle juice bloom could I use that three weeks into flower to give the buds a good boost. Any help would be great cheers

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
dude them fly overs is warning you There coming they know exactly how many plants you are growing in your cupboard , If i were you i place them in another cupboard directly opposite from where they are this way when they come breaking your door down they won't find them :)


Well-Known Member
Hi all, does anyone think that the police helicopter would pick up on my grow.? It's in a cupboard I have two plants growing at the moment the lights that are in there are 300watt led and a 180watt led. It is vented in to the attic, through a carbon filter. Max temp is 28c the attic is not insolated. Any thoughts would be great cheers. Bloody police fly overs are doing my head in.
I think that they are after LARGE grow rooms with multiple 1000w...

No need to worry. I think that most people get caught because their "friends" turn them in!