Police Chief Uses 10 Officers to Find Son’s iphone


Well-Known Member
Bro im starting to get pissed at feds even more for all the fattys they have.
Their should be weight management classes. Its bullshit..
Do they REALLY relly on such minimal resources of police that they reserve the fat hamburger ones to do the work?

They dont realize that Id respect them more if they all were fit.
Its bullshit. Howd he pass training?
Was he skinny back then? and do they just let cops fucking get fat after boot camp and dont give a rats ass?
The fucks the point of boot camp then if they all turn into walking planets.
Gotta find a way to make them run more... I got a few ideas.


Well-Known Member
why do you need to be physically fit? when you run 40 deep and have military grade weapon and armor and robots and tanks on harmless growhouses and have unlimited resources and man hours.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
why do you need to be physically fit? when you run 40 deep and have military grade weapon and armor and robots and tanks on harmless growhouses and have unlimited resources and man hours.
contrary to popular belief, you CAN outrun a bullet if the person firing it is a fat wheezy SOB. just make a left and hop a fence and you're golden. i've actually watched fat cops give up. once the cop just stopped and radioed that the guy got away. dude ran up 4 flights of stairs in a 10 story building and the cop just said, "fuck it". wasn't even that fat of a cop. 6 ft, maybe 275. a bit round, but i've seen fatter guys run harder than that. it's not like their job depends on it...

Guitar guy

Active Member
Having had a step father that underwent brain surgery multiple times and had a seizure in front of me, words can't describe the things I want to do to that officer. Generally I respect LEO's, but in this case I would make this motherfucker my bitch. I want to wish that he would have to go through what he put that girl through, but nobody deserves to go through that, not even that asshole


Well-Known Member
most cops are actually regular dudes and pretty professional overall...but that 25% of the bad ones who abuse their power and get off abusing their authority make a bad name for the rest...i know the job sucks in major cities having to see the worst of the worst humanity has to offer and what they are capable of ....do cops in great britian and canada even carry guns?