I just thought of something in reguards to people monitoring electricity use. Lets say you have a regular grow goin on - non perpetual. You just set up a grow, harvest, and set up another grow. If somebody really wanted to, they would be able to see that every 3 months your light bill jumps up by 100 bucks, and then goes back down to what it would normally be, with you running your lights 12/12. If they saw this happening for a while, wouldnt the pattern be sort of noticeable? i mean, that would be a pretty obvious pattern for electricity use right?
N is it true that the cops cant get a warrant by monitoring your electricity useage, even if they were to notice a pattern as consistent as that would be??
- just throwing that out there. If someone WERE payin attention to it, that would be the easiest way for somebody to at least get a hunch that you have a constant cycle that happens once every 3 months or so for some reason.
Now, with a perpetual grow, you wouldnt have to worry about that so much, because youll always have lights on 24/7 from the getgo, so it would be impossible for someone to notice some type of pattern happening, unless its a rediculous amount of useage -- thats an accurate statement, right?? This is actually somethin i was wondering about myself, because im starting a new grow in my new house, and i wanna go perpetual - ive even already bought a 250 setup, a 400, and ive ordered a 1000w setup too, just to have everything ready for the move so i can get down n dirty as soon as my bags drop on the floor of my new home, lol.
-Sorry for jackin the thread with that last graph dude. The whole electricity deal has been on my mind lately n this thread just made me think of it again, lol. pay no nevermind