ya i smoked weed everyday since i was 13 pretty much and it affected my life in the negative greatly
however i have the worst memory
i bet if you were an everyday smoker like 3 times a day atleast, as a child you prolly ended up dropping out or doing terrible in school
am i wrong?
hahaha , wow soooooooooooo true ,
i started smokeing around 13 also ,
im a high school drop out and a convicted felon who just got out of prison....
but surely it couldnt have been the pot ????? i.d.k
to late now i caint change whats been done ,
i can only change the out come of my future ,
but yes i do want my kids to have a sucessfull life ,
so i hope that they dont get into pot atleast untill their mmmmm i.d.k 20 maybe...
so i hope i change it for the better , although i dont plan to stop blazeing...