Pointers in new outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
Amigos hope you guys are doing fucking wonderful if not o well......nothing i can do lol.

Ok so im about to work on my outdoor property this year is a simple 24 (or even less) plant grow somewhere out there where there is like a canal/river next to the property but is a bit of water going over where the plants are going to be...

Meaning the soil is always wet and or moist right now but hoping that with the summer heat balanced everything down there...now the property owner said that she always used grow bags, and yes I see them right there laying around but I was thinking building like boxes so i go from the grown up or at least dig a foot down and the rest just an extra 2 ft up?

I am skeptikal about using grow bags.. the fucking gohpers... do u guys know if those grow bags are gopher proof 100%? I mean i see the grow bags that the old lady has and they look perfect with no holes or nothing of that nature..

Now I want to keep my plants short this time, last year 100 of em was something wild and big as fuck... lol... fun times tho.

But this year something small, low profile... and mostly i forgot the cheapest way to get that setup with boxes or bags that will be GOPHER proof so ican have a succesfull grow once more.

The strains for the outdoor grow will be White berry and crystal blue.

I hope u guys understood the meaning of my Thread lol..

Thanks in advanced,

So high since 5am and is church day....dont forget guys =)

Just fooling

Well-Known Member
Not sure what type of gophers you have where you are. We have woodchuck here which are similiar. In 20 years of growing the only thing a woodchuck has done is try to burrow under my plants fresh soil. And that was in the ground. I've heard horror stories but I can assure you gophers are the last thing outdoors to worry about. I would worry about people, good sun and soil, access to easy water and getting as big of holes as full of goodies as soon as possible. Like start today. The longer your spots sit before you plant the more animals will be used to the new soil and not tear it up. I have had toads dig into containers as to get a shady spot. They hurt nothing.

Just fooling

Well-Known Member
Also I use predator urine from the local gun store. Its used for trapping but coyote or wolf urine will keep gophers, deer and other herbivores away. Use it only while young. After a month or so the deer will be used to it. Deer won't hurt your plants either. This is a myth. At least here they won't. I have lost small plants to deer from getting layed on. Not eaten. Bugs eat more than animals always. And mold will kill the most. Enjoy and good luck.

ky man

Well-Known Member
grown hogs will cut your pot and drag it off and do moor harm then deer will.Use liquid 7 dust {bean dope} spray with that shit a few times befor budding starts even on the ground and all the wild game will leave your pot alone..ky


Active Member
I personally don't have any problems with small animals around here except porcupines... but if I did have them tearing up my garden like you say I saw this trick, go get those huge jugs of water like that they would put ontop of a water machine at the gym or the office. Have it full of water and dump it down the hole, then keep the mouth of it in the hole tight! Gopher runs up into the jug and u can get rid of it how u will, or it drowns and becomes plant food already buried for you xD

Or put wire around your plants, and if they still chew your pots or something get live traps set everywhere and dispose of the vandals however u want

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I thought this thread was about bird dogs. Oh well, since I'm here. . . .

OP, what part of the world are you growing in? Down here in the Southeastern United States, deer do a lot of damage. Like more than everything else combined. But if you have problems with ground dwelling critters, I would sink wire around your plants. Or even better, just plant more plants. I go into every season knowing I will lose a few, and I have this season too.

I do all my holes in the ground, most without any protection other than the stinky sulfur stuff and slug bait. I have lost 10-12 plants {of the 65 or so I have put in the ground}, but seeds are free. I just popped a few more.

One thought on your location being so close to water level. Floods. I've already had to deal with one this Spring.

Good luck with your grow.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Amigos hope you guys are doing fucking wonderful if not o well......nothing i can do lol.

Ok so im about to work on my outdoor property this year is a simple 24 (or even less) plant grow somewhere out there where there is like a canal/river next to the property but is a bit of water going over where the plants are going to be...

Meaning the soil is always wet and or moist right now but hoping that with the summer heat balanced everything down there...now the property owner said that she always used grow bags, and yes I see them right there laying around but I was thinking building like boxes so i go from the grown up or at least dig a foot down and the rest just an extra 2 ft up?

I am skeptikal about using grow bags.. the fucking gohpers... do u guys know if those grow bags are gopher proof 100%? I mean i see the grow bags that the old lady has and they look perfect with no holes or nothing of that nature..

Now I want to keep my plants short this time, last year 100 of em was something wild and big as fuck... lol... fun times tho.

But this year something small, low profile... and mostly i forgot the cheapest way to get that setup with boxes or bags that will be GOPHER proof so ican have a succesfull grow once more.

The strains for the outdoor grow will be White berry and crystal blue.

I hope u guys understood the meaning of my Thread lol..

Thanks in advanced,

So high since 5am and is church day....dont forget guys =)
My mother always used small fencing wire to line bottoms and sides of her holes...like 1/2 inch squares. The critters can never get in. You could line the bottom of your smart pot with that as well. Good luck!

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
My mother always used small fencing wire to line bottoms and sides of her holes...like 1/2 inch squares. The critters can never get in. You could line the bottom of your smart pot with that as well. Good luck!
Yep, something like hardware cloth will work wonders. My BIL breeds Redbone Coon Hounds, and he has to bury wire to keep dogs from digging into his best bitch's pen when she is in season. Sometimes she comes in season and he doesn't realize it until it's too late. {most of the time, she is a yard dog} They now have 6 Redbone/White English Bulldog crossed puppies for sale. Or as Sister is advertising them, Red Bulls.