Point in the right direction


Active Member
First outdoor grow. Got three Skywalker clones from the local dispensary. Potted them in three galon pots with an organic soil mix. They've only been outside for the last few days and have solely been watering them. I knoIw its late in the season but fuck it, curious as to:
1. When should I start adding nutes/fertilizer if at all.
2. There about 5" tall right now, wondering when would be the best time to top them is, as thats what I plan on doing.
3. Ive heard about organic bud repelants and am wondering if anyone has any useful opinion about them good or bad.

Pretty much just looking for some solid advice rather then searching every fucking thread for useful info

Also if it helps at all, I live in Central California right on the coast (literally less then a mile from the beach) wondering what kind of potential shit my plants can get in that type of climate, and a route to preventing or stopping it.

Really appreciate all the help I can get with this, and will show progress as I go:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt top since they are likely weeks away from flowering, and topping stresses and slows down growth for at least a few days to a week. Tie down the main stalk to promote multiple tops. Start REAL lite on the nutes when the grow a few more leaves


Active Member
Thanks for the response. Any rec. on quality nutes? Got hydro stores left and right but not exactly sure whats best. Rather find out here then tell the guy Im growing outdoor at the shop, if you get what Im saying. Also any advice concerning the climate where Im at?


Active Member
Here's a few pics of what I got going on. Two of my plants are boosting since I transplanted into the three gallon pots, but one of the three got super shocked during and is almost knocking on deaths door. Still keeping a little bit of hope that it might gain some health and produce new growth, any ideas on what else I can do to make the odds any better. Appreciate any and all comments fellow growers!!!!



I wouldn't put them in direct sun right away. It's a good idea to get them used to the sun for a few hours a day untill they can handle it. Last year was the first time I tried Fox Farms Tiger Bloom and I was Happy with it. Listen to obijon about tying down instead of topping at this point and light nutes. Your plant will be using the nutes in the soil for now.


Active Member
So here's an update on my girls. They have been continuously boosting more then I even expected them too. Its been only about a week since my original post and they have grown to be over a foot tall each. The one that was stunted died, but they other two are running strong and just started showing signs of budding. You can see in my pics that some leaves are getting holes in them, Im assuming from bugs but have no idea, any help would be appreciated. Also just started using some random super bloom from the local garden shop. The ratio's are 12-55-9...wondering if that ratio is suitable or not for the flowering stage. Any help/criticism is appreciated. Thanks!:lol:

