plzzzz help!!!!

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So these are three seedlings. All riserva privada. 1 kandy kush. 1 og18. 1 headband
these seeds were were put into solo cups after germination and then transplanted into two gallon fabric bags. Fox farm ocean forrest is our soil of choice. Water is RO thats been ph'd to 6.2
Any help would be awesome. any questions...feel free to ask. No nutes have been used yet. Thanks


Active Member
what are your temps? they look heat stressed. Your ph is a little low for soil too. 6.5 - 6.8

They also could be under watered. How often do you water?
Temp never gets over 72. both flower and veg rooms are climate controlled. Running all t5s in the veg room and plants are plenty far away. the temp does drop to around 65 at night. but stays between 65 and 72. ph is is 6.2. didn't realize i put 6.0 thanks you guys. really hope i can figure this out. I water every other day. i let the top layer dry but 1 inch under the soil always has some moisture. i really go by weight of the bags to determine watering. but it works out to about every other day.


Well-Known Member
Your pH is fine, it should be between 6.0-6.5 for soil.

The first pic is showing what appears to be heat stress, but the second two photos looks like nute burn or over watering due to the leaves curling down and brown tips.

What type of lighting are you using?
How close is your lights to the plants?
Do you have good air circulation?
When was the last time you flushed your soil?
How often are you watering?


I just saw you're watering every other day...see what happens if you let it dry out for an extra day


Active Member
Your pH is fine, it should be between 6.0-6.5 for soil.

The first pic is showing what appears to be heat stress, but the second two photos looks like nute burn or over watering due to the leaves curling down and brown tips.

What type of lighting are you using?
How close is your lights to the plants?
Do you have good air circulation?
When was the last time you flushed your soil?
How often are you watering?


I just saw you're watering every other day...see what happens if you let it dry out for an extra day

If the Ph in soil stays consistently below 6.5 it will lockout P, Ca, and Mg.
I watered today and its been two days. soil was drier than ive ever let it get. I thought that transplanting them from the cups into the 2g bags with fresh soil and watering um in mighta caused some nute burn but never like this.
Circulation is good. Two wall mounted fans in and 8'x8' room. Lights are two, 8 bulb 2x4' panels 432eacg. The fixture these are under i only have 4 bulbs on so 216w. and they are a good 10 inches away. They have been in the two gallon pots with fresh soil for 10 days. i havent flushed anything yet. Thanks


Well-Known Member
The plants are heat/light stressed and now burnt. Move the lights up another foot.
thanks buds. I moved the lights up yesterday. you feel pretty confident that's the problem? I should also add i run 16/8 light cycle.


Well-Known Member
pic 1 looks like heat stress for sure. the other two are heat stress with a little nute burn. the soil your using has a lot of poop mixed in so for some strains the high nitrogen content could be a little too much which is why those two look like that. those two are probably a little more sensitive to the soil. they arent too bad and should recover nicely as they grow.