
Active Member
What exact advice are you looking for? From first glance your nodes are kinda far apart. This is an indication that the plants could utilize more (a lot more) light.

I don't see a nutrition problem overall. The leaves you have look pretty decent for the most part.

By no means do you need to transplant or get bigger pots right now. There is plenty of room for right now.

If there something specific you need advice on let me know.

Nice bro, those plants look exactly like one of mine, big fat leaves, real hairy buds...get a fan in there it will toughin' up the stems and make a little more light to get through. And like everyone else said, transplant those babies to a bigger pot,


Active Member
Yep looks like you need a little more light and a fan, but let the fan oscillate do not let it blow directly on it the whole time. Other wise they look pretty healthy


Well-Known Member
They look rootbound and possibly water logged. Get bigger pots and let the medium dry out a bit between waterings.


Active Member
they look like the light was too far away .
CFL's should be at 2-3 inches above the plant , looks like they stretched till they get to the light .
other than that they look healthy