
New Member
Im worried sick! My plants are not doing too great...**look @ pics first** To start off with the facts im on day 47. im growing outdoors but i covered my plants with a plastic tarp on all side of a wooden frame to keep out the sun and wind. It gets really hot over here in the antelope valley, temp is usually 90s to 100s. And with high winds about 10 to 15 mph on a bad day. but theyve been doing just fine with the tarp, it completely protects them. Im growing them in a soiless coco botanicare medium. Ive been feeding them with advanced nutrients micro, grow, and bloom. i started them with 5ml/gal of filtered water (probably at way too early of an age--15 days), then increased it to 6mL like a week later. But they were doing great for a while. The problems all started with the spider mites about 7-10 days ago. I noticed the little eggs right away before they could make any webs and pick up some MightyWash and started spraying them almost every night. Every night that i didnt spray cuz i thought they were diminishing, more would come. So i started doing that every night and like yesterday i didnt see any eggs on them. But every time i spray it the wash would burn holes in the leaves where the mites were cuz they have opposite frequencies. So theyre doing really shitty and have slowed down growth alot. Im afraid i mightve stunted them :'''((( because i took off alot of leaves on the bottom that looked either infested or too wilted/ an idiot. Ahh im just so worried. (This is my first grow obvi.) Also because i think ive been overwatering/overfeeding them too... I was watering them everyday without even thinking about it. But i got them pH tested at my hydro store a week ago and she said the ppm of my flush runoff was a little high but another flush would do the trick. So i did and kept feeding them like every other day! :x i know way too much..i didnt realize that tho. So this is what they look like now. All sad and droopy and wilty. Even the new leaves which were coming in healthy a couple days ago. And very bare and not bushy like the should. So i need some advice and solution quick! I know ive made so many mistakes but can i possibly plzz fix them before flowering?? Helllppp ! P.s. theyre a hybrid, sativa dominant strain (80%)



Well-Known Member
Whilst they're still alive, you always have hope. are your nutrients coco specific? After you've finished flushing, with 1/4 strength nutes, NOT plain water, start a feeding regime at half strength every 2-3 days.
Apart from the damage the spray has done, they look a little hungry.
Also spray them with an epsom salt solution a 1 tspn per gallon (I think) to boost mag levels.
Give it a week and see how you get on.
Best of luck


New Member
Whilst they're still alive, you always have hope. are your nutrients coco specific? After you've finished flushing, with 1/4 strength nutes, NOT plain water, start a feeding regime at half strength every 2-3 days.
Apart from the damage the spray has done, they look a little hungry.
Also spray them with an epsom salt solution a 1 tspn per gallon (I think) to boost mag levels.
Give it a week and see how you get on.
Best of luck
No my nutes says theyre are suitable for hyrdoponics, sphagnum, and soil mediums. How many time should i spray them?


New Member
i am on my second grow so i am no expert but i overwatered and got a low ph. from what i understand overwatering turns your peatmoss more acidic. so i then locked out mag. i think you may have done the same. i would personally give a light flush with 1/4 strength like he said. BECAUSE you dont want to flush out all of the nutrients you need some in there or your problems will get much worst. then i would do 1/2 tsp of Epsom salt per gallon of water. get water warm-hot first to dissolve it. see how your plant react to the foil the next day. Do not water everyday i wait until i can stick my finger in the soil and no big clumps come up with it for me every 3-5 days. also start picking them up up dry and wet to get a feel for it.


Well-Known Member
From the leaves looks more like nute damage. Address the bud problem and flush. Your plant may be stunted but should recover, I would suggest using organics or nutrients that are less likely to burn the shit out of your plants, some plants are finicky with nutes especially sativas. I think it doesnt look to bad, from what ive been seeing sometime you have to let a plant correct itself and not nurture it to death.


New Member
Thanks everyone for the advice.. I think it was a nute burn plus weakening from the mite spray. I think this strain is just particularly sensitive to nutes and chemicals. Only doing light doses and organic from now on. Sadly only one plant made it, but it is thriving now. And im using a habanero pepper spray to kill any mites. Thanks everyone<3


Well-Known Member
Are you serious that those plants are on day 47 at beginning of your post??? At first I was surprised at how small they are for 47 days of veg'ing. But then I re read your post. You say you put up plastic to block out the SUN and the wind... The SUN??? Why would you want to block out the sun? Anyways, glad to hear you figured out the issues. Bummer you lost most of your crop tho.. Good luck during flower.


Well-Known Member
Next year plant them in the ground in spring so they can adjust before summer and live thru the elements of you harsh windy dry land.


New Member
Are you serious that those plants are on day 47 at beginning of your post??? At first I was surprised at how small they are for 47 days of veg'ing. But then I re read your post. You say you put up plastic to block out the SUN and the wind... The SUN??? Why would you want to block out the sun? Anyways, glad to hear you figured out the issues. Bummer you lost most of your crop tho.. Good luck during flower.
Yeah because i live in the desert and the sun is wayyy to hot here, its like 100 degrees plus everyday