Plz help! Need experienced advice

Thanks for stoppin by! OK, this is my second grow & I'm looking to get Max yield. I have 25 babies in a 5x5 tent under 1600w in 3gal. bags. I was thinking about scrog but im not sure, any advice would be great! Again, im looking for max yield possible hoping for 2lbs+
At 60+watts/sq ft, you should do just about that if everything goes about perfect. IMHO, I would cut the # of plants in 1/2, you're yield is totally dependent on your lights, not the # of plants. It would be much easier to manage 12 plants, especially if any problems arise. From my experience, using only 1000w lamps, I've found ON AVERAGE, if the plants grow totally stress free from beginning to end, you should yield 1.5 - 2 lbs/1000w. I say on average because strain has a lot to do with it, again assuming there is absolutely no stress.


Well-Known Member
In a tent I would definately do a scrog. I use trellis netting with 6" squares. It has definately increased my yield, it allows the plant to focus more on floral production rather then spending energy supporting itself. Thats my theory at least.