plz help! leaves went droopy/limp over 12hrs


Active Member
Yo....I just got home and my plant has gone from nice to droopy all over 12ish hours.....I have read about over/under watering and do not feel as if I have found an answer. 3 days ago I watered the plant (more then usual) and water came out the bottom holes into the water catcher, I emidiaty poured the excess water out of the catcher and looked an hour later and ther was no more excess water in the catcher.

It has been 3 days (since the big water) and I have not watered it based on the fact that I felt I had slightly over watered it the first time. I put my finger bout 3 inches into the soul and it all feels dry to me. But the leaves are still perfect green color and dont feel dry.....just weak. But the top row still looks normal, just the other 85% went limp.

The plant is a Purple Kush, and bout 2 to 2.5ish months old (forgot the date) and is in a flat white box (the inside) and all by its self. I have a fan that sends air into the top of the box and there is room for air to go out the bottom as well.

The last 2 days have also been a tad hotter then usual, but only like75-80 at peak.

Im using a 42 watt CFL for lighting and i keep it 2-4 inches from the top of the plant.

Here are a few pics.....


Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Hey man I have 6 bbc that do the same, no worrys just keep tending to them and feel the leaves, are they dry? Do they feel ok, if they feel fine but look droopy, well I say N.P. I just put one of my Plants like that out to flower, she was 20 inches when she went out and she looked just like that. One thing to check though- lift those big leaves up and check the little leaves under there at the bottom, make sure there are no dead or bugs hiding in there.
I think she is Beautiful !


Active Member
ok....the leaves all feel the same (not dry or damp), just the stems are not as stiff as they were yesterday....and I have NEVER seen any bugs or anything of the sort on my plant.

Just put my finger deeper in the soil and there is a bit of moisture 4 inches down, but not wet by any stretch.

u think it is time to start flowering yet? (I will send a pic of the inside leaves in a few mins)....its only 14inces tall atm.

thx for the quick response!

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Allow your water/nutes to pour out bottom thats fine, I water 6 days a week like that, also I suggest you keep a Eye out under leaves because you might over look a prob like I did (spider mites). As for going out to flower you can put her out as soon as the branches go asymerical ( the branches will not be straight across ) .

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Maybe if you got some side lighting, flouro tubes maybe, that could help thats an awfully big plant for just a single bulb.



Active Member
under this reply thing u type in there is a thing for attachments...add your jpeg and it should work

in the "attach files" "manage attachments" option

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
here are a few pics of the inside leaves (tryed my best for clear/close) photos

"upload files from computer" is what im doing, browse files then upload them....not url
I'd seriously get some side lights and really let all that internode growth explode! The plant looks fine though, just need more light IMO!

Good luck i'm staying tuned, i wanna see how good she buds for you!



Active Member
It says add URL ? The mountain lookin pic next to the Quote box.

no, if you go to the bottom left of the last post there is a botton that is called "reply" it

then there is an area called "Additional Options".....go to the "attach files" box and click on "Manage Attachments"....

in there u will b able to browse youe comp for files then upload them....

hope that helps


ok i will get another light tomorrow.

so nobody thinks its a over/under water issue?
Last edited:

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
no, if you go to the bottom left of the last post their is a botton that is called "reply" it

then there is an area called "Additional Options".....go to the "attach files" box and click on "Manage Attachments"....

in there u will b able to browse youe comp for files then upload them....

hope that helps
It looks like a paper clip. to the right of the smiley face.



Active Member
well...thx for your help. I will try to update on my plants status. I will get a light tomorrow and try that.

if anyone else has any other feedback/ideas please send em my way.


Active Member
i watered the plant a few hours back and the leaves are starting to raise back to their normal position....guess that was a part of the problem.

then my f'ing CFL bulb broke when i tryed to change it......NOT fun!


Active Member
I added a little more water before I went to bed is back to 100% health.

I guess me trippin about posablly overwatering (that one day) led me to underwatering it.

I agree more lights would be super benificial for growth, but Im now know (95% sure) the droopy/limp leaves were caused by a lack of water.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I added a little more water before I went to bed is back to 100% health.

I guess me trippin about posablly overwatering (that one day) led me to underwatering it.

I agree more lights would be super benificial for growth, but Im now know (95% sure) the droopy/limp leaves were caused by a lack of water.
If you got it figured out, now would be a great time to get a moisture meter. 8 bucks at lowes and it'll tell you PH too!



Active Member
so....Im going to get more lights today. You suggest a moisture meter. Anything else that I should pick up that is not very expensive (Im on a $60 budget atm)?

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
so....Im going to get more lights today. You suggest a moisture meter. Anything else that I should pick up that is not very expensive (Im on a $60 budget atm)?
Get your meter,
3 pack of 6500k 26w (100w replacements)
Y socket adapters for the cfl's
$4 (a piece)
And hydrogen peroxide if you don't have it.
(i believe it works great. 30ml if its 3% H202 in 1 gal of distilled h20)
Helps roots to use the nutes in the soil and helps them breath!

This is all i can think of...........


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
How i've been using the Moisture meter is;
Water till it reads ten and don't touch it until it hits 4-5. This has been working wonderfully and gets you on a good watering schedule!
