
Ok so i just got my new 250w sun system 2 mh/hps ,,, nd i already have it setup to a timer.. the only problem is im going back to visit my family 3hrs away (im in COLLEGE right now) so i wont be home for 2 1/2 days Would it be SAFE to leave it on unsupervised????

the light is in a closet nd i took everything flammable out,

I also have tempered glass(does this prevent fire?)

PLZ if u have any experience with this situation, or the sun system 2 plz post


Well-Known Member
With a screen name of "JonnyFIRE", I don't think you are going to get too many constructive responses. No one can tell you if what you have done is safe. You'll have to make that call alone.


Active Member
Make sure the light is securely hung. Make sure the closet is properly ventilated. Water the plants well. They will be fine.


Make sure the light is securely hung. Make sure the closet is properly ventilated. Water the plants well. They will be fine.
I feel so stuck, i know the system is reliable especially bc its brand new, but idk.... i do have TEMPERED GLASS does any1 know if this will stop a bulb explosion???
best advice we can give is go to your store and buy a electrical timer. set it for 18 hours light 6 hours dark. it will have no negative effect on the plants. and will reduce the fire hazard and will be safe to leave alone for 2 days we leave ours unattended for days on end. just make sure your plants get the water they'll need and pray for the best


best advice we can give is go to your store and buy a electrical timer. set it for 18 hours light 6 hours dark. it will have no negative effect on the plants. and will reduce the fire hazard and will be safe to leave alone for 2 days we leave ours unattended for days on end. just make sure your plants get the water they'll need and pray for the best
Thnx EVERY1 for the advice..... i do have an electric timer set 18/6 what r the odds of something bad happening?
are you in a dorm or an apartment? do you have roommates? if you have roommates who know about your crop ask them to make sure nothing bad happens. the odds of something bad happening while you're gone are low. BUT the odds are still there you know. so in reality its a 50 50 chance nothing bad will happen. while you are gone try and keep your mind off of it and get back as soon as you can to tend to your plants