PLZ ADVISE, damaged plant


hi all again. I have just finished watering me plants and thought I would try and bend my poor plant as she is getting a bit to high and I ended up bending her to much. I have just let her lay on a light cable for support, would this be fine or shall a tie a wooden splint to take her back up again?



Well-Known Member
once broke of the top of my blue cheese to the point that it was hanging in a couple of strings. taped it together and it yielded about 5 grams less than my other phenos.
they are sturdy plants i think you will be ok. watch it close for infection and be prepared, but its probably ok


Well-Known Member
Either way. If she would break flexing her back up then wrap the owie and splint the break so it doesn't move at all. She will heal if not totally snapped off. Or upright her and splint with bamboo stakes, popsicle sticks, pencils, chopsticks - whatever. Wrap newspaper around these types splints and tape. NO HONEY! Sweet idea but draws bugs!


I didn't notice any holes. She just got bent to much and now she cant support herself. I wasn't trying to crop her or anything, I was just trying to bend her down a bit