Plush Berry: Ten Pack


Well-Known Member
I'll get yal some pics when im about to cut them down. I hope... Im such a horrible photographer, its sad. Id love to show off my work, I really would but I have to take 50 pics to get 5 that are worth posting... It just gets frustrating.


Well-Known Member
Day 46... Still no sign of purple but One does smell like berries. Kind of disappointing that only one of 8 females smell like berries but I shouldnt complain. Is it wrong of me to keep the berry pheno even if its not the most potent of the group? My argument is I did buy a berry strain for a reason.. Any opinions? Also Im gonna have 7 clones to give away here in 3 weeks sooo....


Well-Known Member
Listen, Sub's strains are usually spot on, but he doesn't GUARANTEE anything as no breeder does. Statistically, you SHOULD have gotten a purple/pink one and some more berry than 1 out of 8, *BUT* his description does say that the color was not the leading goal of the project. If I were you, I'd keep the clone of the one you most like smoking regardless of color/smell. THEN and only then, give the rest away. At least that way, you know you have a nice smoke till you can get through a different flavor.

My favorite so far from Subcool has been Cheese Quake, as I got a SOLID PURPLE FROSTY LADY, and it tasted NOTHING like cheese. That's the chance you take with seeds? I'll bet you still have some very nice smoke regardless of the color/flavor right?

Space Queen was a very nice smoke, so much so I bought it twice. Sit back, and give your ladies some positive thoughts! Whether you got the BCS or the SQ coming out, you'll have a nice smoke. Not many get 8 of 10 females to choose from mate!

If you want some color, go with one of his Querkle crosses. ;-)


Well-Known Member
You are very right, I have been blessed. I guess I just expected more but I am hapy with my product so far so I shouldnt complain.
I just flushed everything today. Well kinda, I gave them all 2 gallons of distilled water. That'll be one third of the over all flush I plan to give them. Little less than two weeks left, gotta prepare. I find it so intetesting that most of the buds come within the last two weeks of our 3-4 month proccess... But patience is key, the longer you wait- the larger your weight.
Man that was corny


Well-Known Member
Day 49 and looking frosty! I should have had more air movement during the flowing stretch because these girls are apparently top heavy. Numbers 3 and 6 are really top heavy. Week stalks make them very difficult to work with. Still no color but the smells are beginning to change a bit. Still mostly skunky but number 1 has a sweet tone to her.


Well-Known Member
Day 50! Its slow motion over here. Everybody gets a little less than a gallon of distilled water everyday at noon. Im definitely getting the "day fitty fits", Thats for sure.


Well-Known Member
Day 52. Last night me and a couple friends ran what i'd like to call a smell test. We each washed our hands with non scented soap and one by one smelled all eight plants. To my suprise, the number one smelled a bit like some sort of sweet soda. Just the sightest scent of black berry soda but its there. So far numbers one and two are keepers I think but i do have to smoke them all to be positive. Im not sure if they will fininsh by day 60 though, not at this rate. I have seen people with plushberry pics that were cut down at 52 and full of color. I stoll have lots of whiteish-yellow hairs everywhere and little to no color. Numbers one and eight are the densest but as far as frost goes number two and nine got it, hands down. On another note im begining to see purple leaves in number one, eight, and two or four. I dont remember. Will get back will more


Well-Known Member
So numbers 1,2,8, and 9 are all very indica in structure. 2 and 9 much taller than the others. And fristier at that. Number 3 looks very pretty and very indica dominant but the buds arent as dense than the other indicas.


Well-Known Member
glad to hear all is still going good and hey if there slow growing it happens just gotta keep an eye on them is all glad to here the smells changin abit blackberry soda sounds dank to me hope it come out reakin like it and burns even better then it smells


Well-Known Member
What is this, like a journal with no pics?? C'mon get the pics out, any pics are better than no pics don't matter how shit a photographer u are


Well-Known Member
Day 54... number 8 and 1 came down yesterday. Taking #1 down was a mistake. Airy stringy shit, but #8 is solid as could be


Well-Known Member
When i see "plush berry", I think I wouldn't mind seein how that looks, and u come in and see a loada borin posts on some guy describing his plants lol. At least change the name of the thread to "picture-less journal or something and then if that's floats your boat, fine.