plez help

420 Cajun

i have a plant that is not 7 weeks into flowing and very close to being finished. however the leaf tips and now more than just the tips are turning brown and curling upward. the ph is fine right at 7 and the temp stays around 80 no more than 82.plants are in a soiless mix and are on a 14 / 10 dark light cycle. i thought possibly a lil nut def but after fertin them with super bloom it doesnt seem to be getting any better ,.......any advice is welcome


Active Member
if u are close to finishing u should be flushing and 80 is a little high on temp try and get it down to low 70 for flowering

420 Cajun

they did go a long period without fert bec i thought they were almost done but werent and after about 2 maybe 3 weeks they started to curl up....well fan leaves were turning yellow and dying, but the leaves off the buds started burning on the tips while curling upward