Please Welcome GrowTech To Staff


Well-Known Member
what have u gotta do to be staff? how much you guys get paid for looking at forums all day? lol i want in.


New Member
Congrats Grow Tech. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy that I don't know. :mrgreen:

I'm pretty sure they give out new shoes when you get bumped up to staff. Can I have your old shoes?

out. :blsmoke:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
thank you all. hope you're doin' alright arrid! gotta get back into the chat one of these days!
i may be late bro but congrads anyway. i didn't relize you became staff just recently. great job and keep up the good work and keep dishing out that great imfo. :peace:


Active Member
Hello ..
Congrats Grow Tech! And here I thought you were undercover mod the whole time

BTW...what happened to your elite sig? I just came back to use it and its gone!

Do you like it guys ???


Active Member
I just want to say a small word that ,

congrats GrowTech and other mods. Thanks for doing an awsome job for keeping this site running smooth.