Please tell me whats wrong with this plant


Rite now its sitting at 80F with 2 100watt CFL's and 1 200watt CFL, Small Closet

I was told it mite be a MAG def, But i would like someone to confirm that..yanno a second Opinion...

I have some mag for my veg garden but its in soild form, If someone can tell me how much to use thatd be great, thats if its actually the problem


Well-Known Member
Sorry mate, I'm just a newbie, can't help you with that. Just asked the temp as something similar happened to my plants and it was heat stress. But I'm using a 400watt hps and the temp was quite higher so it's not that... just hope someone helps you out! It's really shitty when something is wrong but we don't know why :S

Good Luck!


Oh alrite, Yeah i thought it was a heat problem BUt the lights dont let off much heat at all, The Mylar sheets i have in there contain the heat well, but i have a good exaust system that keeps the closet at room temp, And yaeh its rely warm here this time of year lol


Well-Known Member
Try testing your PH, foilage spray on one leaf and see if its a water problem, it won't hurt to put some epsom salt.


Well-Known Member
low humidity... i read on here.. somewhere.... that laeves will curl to hold or release moisture...... so cupping means its trying too retain moisture.... i really dont know squat but i read that somewhere...... if it helps...


seems like upping my 4" fan to a 6" fan i can better regulate the heat in the room, When it gets a little warmer in their i can just turn the 6" up to high where as the little 4" was just a Single setting. thanks again for the help


Active Member
This tacoing is common to a couple differnt problems. I've found it's usually one of two things: pH problems, or heat problems (may just be the lamp is too close)