Please tell me what problem this is! HELPPPP!


Active Member
Wondering whats wrong with my plants, Ph is 6.5, temp is between 80 and lowest being 73, I noot every other feeding on the foxfarm diet. I just flushed 4 days ago. And I get spots on new growth at the top and browning and yellowing, anyone have any suggestions??? It would be much appreciated. Strains are Whitewidow and OG Purple Kush



Well-Known Member
How fast did this happen? Nothing stands out from your info, except your pots looked a bit small. How large are your pots?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Wondering whats wrong with my plants, Ph is 6.5, temp is between 80 and lowest being 73, I noot every other feeding on the foxfarm diet. I just flushed 4 days ago. And I get spots on new growth at the top and browning and yellowing, anyone have any suggestions??? It would be much appreciated. Strains are Whitewidow and OG Purple Kush
Looks like you got the nutes on the leaves, but it could be you over watered. Was the soil dry before you flushed?


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem, i have 13 diffrent strains and only i strain is acting like this. I have been to many sites to see what the problem is but there are no pics that look like mine. Yours is the first time ive seen anyone with the same problam. Its not nutes its not heat in not over watering. If you find out let me know. Peace


Well-Known Member
the 13th strain is the one with a problem? - unlucky obviously :)
if you have 12 good and 1 bad - you really got to think you got a very picky strain
the OP has 2 strains going bad - that implies some more fundamental problem - like nuts maybe
some problems may look very similar - but can have different causes


Well-Known Member
minimum pot size should be 1 gallon per foot of plant you want to grow or 1 gallon per month you intend to keep the plants alive. when you flush, did you check the runoff PH? what many people dont notice is that salts build up in your medium and you can be feeding 6.5 water and it can come out 7.5, thus locking out your nutes, when i see issues like yours, ya know discoloration and necrotic spots at the TOP of the plant, its either a hard to get micro element or PH/Rootzone issues. looks like P and K defs rolled into one, but you need to check the PH of water as it comes out of the bottom, also when flushing, say your flush is a 6.5 water, keep flushing and checking the runoff till it gets close. all it takes is a months worth of feeding the plant to get significant salt build up, and these buildups/lockouts and puzzle most new growers


Active Member
Thanks Morris I will give that a go, i did not check the runoff PH, When i flushed I used tap water in my sink, is that bad? I had this problem before I flushed cuz i thought it might have been nutrient burn or salt building up. How often should you feed the plants with nuets?


Well-Known Member
most growers here seem to feed every other watering
i fed every watering on my current grow, but it was a relatively low strength nute(bone meal/molasses tea)
worked well though


Well-Known Member
i used to feed every watering 1/4 strength until they could handle higher, but i also flush monthly to have a "clean slate". since your in a pot you dont have any idea of what goes on in the root zone, unlike hydro, every watering take a sample of run off, this allows you to take a peek into whats going on down there.