please tell me it's not powdery mildew....


Active Member
I notices some small patch's of what looks to be a baby powder substance on some of the lower leaves of a couple of my plants. I believe it to be either powdery mildew or salt/nute build up.

051.jpg-007.jpg008.jpg045.jpg052.jpgHere are some pics for you to diagnose.056.jpg



Active Member
So if it is do I just have to terminate the infected plants or is there any solution? My tallest and strongest plants seemed to be fighting it off if it's present because obviously it'd be airborn. There is no sign of any on my strongest plants. Will the other plants be okay if i terminate the infected plants? I've read a few articals on powdery mildew and noticed there should be "grey spots" under the foilage that has the mildew. There is no sign of that and the plant looks healthy as can be.


Well-Known Member
Yea looks like powdery mildew. Need to exchange more air. You may think you are ok after you remove the infected leafs. You will soon find out it has spread to buds.


Active Member
I just did some research. I'm pretty sure it is powdery mildew too. I have read treatments to control it. Maybe i should cut off the infected leaves tonight and get some solution tomorrow? I'd really appreciate some ideas of what to do? I put a space heater in my room because I read if I change the enviroment the mildew will not keep producing and only a small portion of my crop will be lost. Please help I feel obligated to do something ASAP


From the pictures it definitely looks like powdery mildew. I'm 95% certain. This sucks. You're going to have to be diligent with this otherwise you won't be able to smoke your buds.

Here's what I've done: Cut off the parts that have it. Inspect ALL your buds inside. the mildew can get into the buds and ruin your whole harvest. I have sprayed a solution of 10%milk 90%water that got me through two weeks and I was still able to harvest. Spray in the morning if you can. Never spray two hours before "night time" because the moisture from the water can just make it worse so make sure it has time to evaporate.
Good Luck.


Active Member
Thank you staroftroy..please keep coming with the ideas people. I think i'm going to go chop the leaves that have it but I need to find a good spray to use to kill it period. I've heard of the milk idea i'm just wondering about others?


Well-Known Member
Thank you staroftroy..please keep coming with the ideas people. I think i'm going to go chop the leaves that have it but I need to find a good spray to use to kill it period. I've heard of the milk idea i'm just wondering about others?
change the reason pm is there! like you said you added a space heater, this was a good idea. although i think air flow and humidity are the most important when dealing with pm. i use a product called serenade, kind of a funky taste when sprayed on the buds. but i think it is relatively harmless. neem oil also works and can be applied at this stage as well. sulfur is another treatment that will make ph of leaf surface so far out of whack that the pm cant live. sulfur is used before signs of pm and not during. you need to cut off infected area and be careful not to spread it around while removing. this stuff can go dormant, i advise after harvest taking proper measures to rid of any loose spores waiting. there are pm bombs available that would be perfect after a full room wipe down with bleach solution. you will notice some strains have more resistance to the pm.

pm is one of those things that need to be treated for before you see it. like spider mites. get in the habit of spraying before hand and with a plan.


Active Member
I used the milk idea. It was plastered on the internet with good responses. I also changed the enviroment in my room dramatically for about a day and a half. Raising the temps to around 88 and dropping the humidity to around 35%...this should have killed the mildew in a whole. Everything looks to be good and i'm going back to normal room temps today.


Well-Known Member
I used the milk idea. It was plastered on the internet with good responses. I also changed the enviroment in my room dramatically for about a day and a half. Raising the temps to around 88 and dropping the humidity to around 35%...this should have killed the mildew in a whole. Everything looks to be good and i'm going back to normal room temps today.
be careful and keep an eye out. i have thought the same thing before. come harvest i realized there was alot more pm then expected.


New Member
pm is one of those things that need to be treated for before you see it. like spider mites. get in the habit of spraying before hand and with a plan.[/QUOTE]

amen brotha!!!


i had pm recently and was able to get rid of it with serenade on every square inch of the plants, and bleach+water spotting the entire grow..

I initially used safer 3 in 1 spray (sulphur and potassium salts) which do control it a bit by changing the PH in the leaves, but it really severely burned some of my plants... after using serenade i was able to get rid of everything on the plants and i haven't seen it in weeks now and i'm just about to harvest!

Serenade turns the hairs orange though o_O kinda odd!


Active Member
hey sorry to but in on your thread but im having the same problem have noticed little spots of what i think is pm ans is spreading onto all my plants....its been a few bad is PM? thanks and should i pick up some seranade?