Please Tell Me Im Not Seeing This!!!


Well-Known Member
Im thinking those are male flowers forming in my buds :( I just want a few second opinions please!

The second pic is her at 4 weeks flower

If it is any suggestions on what to do would be nice too



Well-Known Member
those dont look like bananas, I have never experienced hermies but those surely dont look like bananas like everyone says.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. ill try to post some better pics but it just seems so out of place to me...It looks like little beaks or something. Ive been smoking on some of this blue dream so i might be trippin too, hopefully!


Active Member
Thanks everyone. ill try to post some better pics but it just seems so out of place to me...It looks like little beaks or something. Ive been smoking on some of this blue dream so i might be trippin too, hopefully!
it might just be really tight bunches of pistils busting out of calyxes. they look kinda funny sometimes. itsd hard to tell from that pic tho


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like pistels that happend quite opened yet. I would give it a little bit more time to evaluate it.


Active Member
Those are defiantly male flowers.
You can get a product called "Blast" made buy a company called Budwise, comes in an aerosol can. that will get rid of those male flowers.
Otherwise just keep an eye on it. you will prob get a few seeds. just keep picking the male flowers off as the develop.


Well-Known Member
yea bro...unfortunatly I have experience with hermies...and not the good kin...oh...wait. Never mind. lol.
Point is...those are some he she's u got on ur hands. lame.

peace n good livin'bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hi all

Well they r there, not much you can do she has ball however to turn lemons into lemonade you will have 90% female seed's ( hmmm let me see the bud will still Good and a bunch of female seed's ) not to bad not to be upset.


Well-Known Member
don't Toss dem bitches! all you need to do is keep track of them and when you see them pull it off . you will have good smoke still and on top of that you will get seeds.
seeds that will be good to plant and get lots of females with your lemon has now turned into lemonade keep growing it .you will be fine . or you could just cut that bud off and keep an eye on the rest of the plant .