Please teach me how to use ferts


New Member
Whats up people,

Currently I have 3 autoflowers growing outdoors in pots (3 gal) with ffof as the medium. Plants are a month old today, still very small for their age. Done some reading and apparently added nutrients are absolutley necessary for plants as deficiencies are common. Today I purchased FF Grow Big (3-2-6 not 6-4-4) and I have been trying to find a "How to feed your plants for dummies" guide but I can't find any.

How do I feed?
Do I use a full gallon of water + appropriate dose of grow big to water the plants with?
What would the appropriate dose be in mL?
How often would I feed?
How often would I flush?
I know I need to start with 1/4 strength of recommended dose, what would 1/4 be? -_- I sense this is a stupid question but please help anyways lol
It's been raining alot here, too damn much if you ask me... just rained yesterday and my soil is still kind of wet so I assume that feeding today is dead. Tomorrow it's supposed to rain again, so I assume feeding tomorrow is dead too. Would I have to wait until my soil is completely dried out before I'm able to feed?
I'm trying to get atleast one feed in before my plants start flowering (I assume this is any day now)
This is my 3rd attempt at growing, I could never reach a harvest. Virginia climate.

Thanks in advance, I know these questions are stupid as hell but understand that I never could understand feeding nutes.


Well-Known Member
hi, sounds like your in a pickle!! if i was you id post it in "outdoor growing" room, i could say what i think but i grow indoors so it might be different, with nutes etc there some who feed every watering, theres some that dont, the best way i think is to get to know when your plant needs something, ie change of colour, what soil you use also makes a difference, in uk everything is to the litre, so say it says 2.5ml that would be per litre, you wont want to drown the plants with to much water, let them dry right up till the pots real light, as a clue im in 5 gallon pots and i only give about 2-3 litres per pot and that does them for a few days, it will change as they grow, read up about signs of overwatering/underwatering, just google fox farm feeding schedule that will help!!
sorry i cant help more but good luck

Born Again Vegan

Active Member
Hey dude, most compost/soil comes pre fertilised so for the first month of veg i don't need to feed.
When the plants color changes, lower leaves start turning yellow, this indicates the plant has used up the available nutrients in the soil and it's starting to eat from within. Like the human body eating fat reserves.
Nows the times to start feet your grow nutrient.
Personally I'd feed this to your plant throughout the grow to keep its leaves green and healthy.
About three weeks into flower start adding some bloom nutes to the mix.
The golden rule when measuring out nutes is to start low. If the label suggests 2ml per litre measure out .5ml per litre!
Hope this helps


New Member
So say I add half a tsp of Grow Big to a gallon of water. Would I use that entire gallon on one plant? In essence would that mean I must water with atleast a gallon each time? I know this might be easier than I'm making it out to be but damn... this is really confusing for me at the moment.


Well-Known Member
the way i and lots of others do it is slowly water the plant untill you get a run off (ie fluid comming out the bottom,) if your soil is really dry it might come out too quickly so nice and slow your trying to moisten all the soil remember! so let it soak some up then give it 5 mins and top up, its good to test the run off for ph aswell,


Well-Known Member
forgot to say you dont have to give the whole gallon, just till you get the run off, say your feeds 5ml per gallon then half a gallon would be 2.5 ml, its just cocentration ratios, dont panic youll get there


Well-Known Member
Hey dude, most compost/soil comes pre fertilised so for the first month of veg i don't need to feed.
When the plants color changes, lower leaves start turning yellow, this indicates the plant has used up the available nutrients in the soil and it's starting to eat from within. Like the human body eating fat reserves.
Nows the times to start feet your grow nutrient.
Personally I'd feed this to your plant throughout the grow to keep its leaves green and healthy.
About three weeks into flower start adding some bloom nutes to the mix.
The golden rule when measuring out nutes is to start low. If the label suggests 2ml per litre measure out .5ml per litre!
Hope this helps
Agreed :)