Please take a look at these pics. Something is wrong

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
So I went out and bought pool testing strips. Unfourtunatly, the bottle only has the colors to match up for a PH of 6.2 and higher. So 7.5 was red, 6.2 was orange and the strip I tested ended up coming out yellow. So I'm guessing my PH is around 4.0 - 5.0. Should I adjust this so close to being done? If so, whats the safest way this far along in the game?
My guess is you have more than one thing going on.
Some leaves will be yellowing because it's reached that part of it's cycle,
you definately have nute burn and possible pH issues, on top of that,
I would guess at overwatering too. judging by the shape of the leaves.
Unfortunately, flushing will make that worse but the leaves will pick up in a day or two. it is better to flush the nutes out that's what is doing the most harm.
Don't worry if all the leaves are yellow just keep an eye on the buds and trics.
Molasses would do them the world of good and it's cheap too, plus it will raise the pH for you a bit.
A few DROPS of lemon juice will bring it down.

Anyway Sorry to go on, I am growing G13s too and am in my 9th week of flowering. If you check out my journal (in signature) go back from the last page you will find pics of a G13, she's 9 weeks in and started yellowing in her 7th week of flowering.


Well-Known Member
thats why I recommended he put a fan directly on his plants... it will help with transpiration and make it so the over watering is less of a factor, also I am pretty sure that his over fertilization helped to cause the PH imbalance (because the PH is so low), so the flush was a good thing, and thats why to take the lights just a bit farther back from the plants. Removing completely dead leaves will help prevent the chances of mold and other diseases, so I would recommend picking the ones that come off with the slightest pull. Make sure your exhaust is running full speed to keep humidity from building, and keep the air the get fresh. Hang out in your grow room as much as possible to keep an eye on how things are going, and breathe heavily, as the plants need that CO2 to help themselves heal. Through a pure B1 mix into your next watering (which should be after you flush till the PH is about 6, and let completely dry)... but JUST B1, then water and flush like normal until harvest... and you should be sitting pretty... ;)

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
thats why I recommended he put a fan directly on his plants... it will help with transpiration and make it so the over watering is less of a factor, also I am pretty sure that his over fertilization helped to cause the PH imbalance (because the PH is so low), so the flush was a good thing, and thats why to take the lights just a bit farther back from the plants. Removing completely dead leaves will help prevent the chances of mold and other diseases, so I would recommend picking the ones that come off with the slightest pull. Make sure your exhaust is running full speed to keep humidity from building, and keep the air the get fresh. Hang out in your grow room as much as possible to keep an eye on how things are going, and breathe heavily, as the plants need that CO2 to help themselves heal. Through a pure B1 mix into your next watering (which should be after you flush till the PH is about 6, and let completely dry)... but JUST B1, then water and flush like normal until harvest... and you should be sitting pretty... ;)
Yes I was going to add that he should cut off all the dead stuff, all it can do is spread mould, he's had enough problems without that poor sod.


Well-Known Member
Well they havn't gotten any worss since I flushed them at least. I'll try and grab some sea salts. Where do I go and what do I ask for and what is a legit reason to need them? Harvest should be 60-80 days, in 8 days that will make 60 days, but I think they have been shocked so I should probably add more time on? If they survive I should say. It won't be a complete loss, I mean the buds are formed already, they arn't big or anything but definatly smokable. I'll prolly only end up with 1/8th or 1/4 a plant (if I'm lucky) but this are deadly strains so I imagine it will be good even if I did mess things up.

Also I still have that bottle of home made C02. Seemed to have hurt the plants before so I took it out, maybe I should out it back it? Its sugar and active yeast and warm water in a 2L container. And ya, these are enclosed in large boxes with a fan on the intake and a fan on the exhaust, there is plenty of air flow.


Well-Known Member
I would leave off on the CO2 bottle.... tell them you are going to use it in your sea water aquarium.... thats what my friend does... but if your runoff water balances out, then you won't need it, and using it could actually fuck things up more.... most of growing is simple observation....


Well-Known Member
Man, they are worss today (just the 2 luckily) the leaves are almost completely gone. I'd say they've got about 3 - 7 days untill they are all gone and the bud starts browning. I checked the triclomes and about 10% are amber, most are clear and some are milky. When do I call er quits and crop er off? Do I go untill it starts affecting the bud or do I crop now. Are the triclomes going to get that much better in the next week?


Well-Known Member
ok. get some scissors and sterilize them, and then cut off every little bit of yellow leaf you can get to, leaving as much green as possible... did you let the pot dry out pretty good? Now would be the worst time to overwater... is the PH of the runoff water balanced yet? you should probably balance the PH, finish up with a good couple of flushes and harvest... how is the humidity in the room? Probably not that much better trichs in a week, but you want to flush out the chem burn you just put them through before you harvest and smoke it!


Well-Known Member
Ya they won't be getting anymore nutes, it'll be just water for untill all the leaves die, its not showing any improvmenet, I think its dead. I'll try to regulate the PH but its not even close to being dry from the last flush I did a couple of days ago.


Well-Known Member
And just so you guys don't laugh at me too hard, here's a few pics of the plants that did not burn. That's jamacan and white widdow 54 days into flowering. Only difference is this box is 1 foot taller, with 2 less CFLs and 1 225 LED board (blue/red combo) maybe those LED lights are worth the cash, or maybe those plants were just bigger and could handle the extra nutrients



Well-Known Member
K guys I need advice bad. I'm thinking of cropping EVERYTHING off today. Even those plants that wern't affected are now starting to brown. These leaves are covered in triclomes and I'm losing them because the leaves are drying up. Under the microscope, 40% of the triclomes are clear, 30% are milky and 40% are amber colored. Can I crop now and still get a good high off these of should I sacrafice the leaves (I make them into bud butter)? Will the bud really be that much better? I'm going to lose a LOT of thc on the leaves if I leave them another week. They are 55 days in and are suppose to have 60 - 80 day flowering time. I need as many opinions as possible. I really like having the leaves to cook with but I'm not going to want a shitty high. I like coutchlock high, not a social high. I also vaporize to get the munchies (medical reasons) but I think that comes with all strains regardless of the flowering time. Want somethin that will mellow me out and not get me paranoid.:weed:


Well-Known Member
if the trichs are like that and you have been flushing and watering with just pure water, than that sounds like a nice harvest to me...


Well-Known Member
Here is the results. The one plant was so bad I cut up the bud and added it to my bag of leaves. I'm dehydrating that now and will use it to make oil or bud butter. I left the bottom half of the G13 and the white widdows a blueberry and those 2 nice looking jamacians. I'll keep them going untill they start to die.

