Please suggest me a watering time / frequency for just 1 plant

ignore him his just high and likes to play.

it looks small but if you think you have enough space okej. what kind of lamp are you planing to use? and nutes?

I have a mars Hydro ts1000 lamp, some nutes of advanced nutritions(several bottles that should cover all phases) and a little tent of secret jardjn
Yes i have rooting plugs named Eazy Plugs
Those are usually used for cloning small plants I think. I use a spray aeroponic system like you have for my clones but I don't think I'd try to take a plant through flower in it.
Aeroponic is one of the harder styles to grow in, in my opinion as there's a lot of mechanical stuff that you are relying on that can break. I know you have that system for now but I would recommend you do a couple of soil grows to get you used to how the plant grows and getting your tent environment right as far as temp, humidity and light levels. With soil you just need a pot and some good organic soil to go with the nutrients you already have.
I'm a big believer in keeping my garden as simple as possible. I like dry amendments for the fertilizer as I only have to use them once every 2-3 weeks and I don't have to test the ph of the water, I can just use tap water.
If you decide to go with the aeroponic setup, do as much reading as you can in the hydro/aero forum before you start the seeds. Best of luck with your new journey, stick with it and it will come to you.
It's going good!
I went from that aeroponic to soil because that purchase was a mistake for my scope.

At the moment on the biggest plant i can count more than 10/12 leaves

Those are usually used for cloning small plants I think. I use a spray aeroponic system like you have for my clones but I don't think I'd try to take a plant through flower in it.
Aeroponic is one of the harder styles to grow in, in my opinion as there's a lot of mechanical stuff that you are relying on that can break. I know you have that system for now but I would recommend you do a couple of soil grows to get you used to how the plant grows and getting your tent environment right as far as temp, humidity and light levels. With soil you just need a pot and some good organic soil to go with the nutrients you already have.
I'm a big believer in keeping my garden as simple as possible. I like dry amendments for the fertilizer as I only have to use them once every 2-3 weeks and I don't have to test the ph of the water, I can just use tap water.
If you decide to go with the aeroponic setup, do as much reading as you can in the hydro/aero forum before you start the seeds. Best of luck with your new journey, stick with it and it will come to you.

You were right if you see last pic i have just posted,you can notice i'm using soil now.
For your next soil grow try to add some aeration material like perlite to help them breathe and dry out better. The soil kind of looks like dirt from outside and you want to give them a proper gardening top soil that is full of compost and aeration materials along with some nutrients to help feed them. Roots Organic, Coast of Maine and even the Fox Farm soil choices are good to use as far as bagged soil that's readily available most places.
The plant looks healthy I'd just try to add more soil in the pot as it gets taller so you're about 1/2"-1" from the top. Good luck with the new style.
For your next soil grow try to add some aeration material like perlite to help them breathe and dry out better. The soil kind of looks like dirt from outside and you want to give them a proper gardening top soil that is full of compost and aeration materials along with some nutrients to help feed them. Roots Organic, Coast of Maine and even the Fox Farm soil choices are good to use as far as bagged soil that's readily available most places.
The plant looks healthy I'd just try to add more soil in the pot as it gets taller so you're about 1/2"-1" from the top. Good luck with the new style.
Any perlite brand recommendations or is course perlite course perlite?
Any perlite brand recommendations or is course perlite course perlite?
I haven't used it in years as Roots Organic has tons already. I tried to get #4 Perlite at my local garden center and the stuff they had was pretty good. The biggest difference between brands and prices seemed to be how much dust and fine materials there were. Pre rinsing it to get rid of excess dust was necessary with most and it was a pain. Roots Organic original has a ton of it already and it's not expensive so I made the change from Ocean Forrest and Happy Frog mixes to that and like the new stuff a lot.
For your next soil grow try to add some aeration material like perlite to help them breathe and dry out better. The soil kind of looks like dirt from outside and you want to give them a proper gardening top soil that is full of compost and aeration materials along with some nutrients to help feed them. Roots Organic, Coast of Maine and even the Fox Farm soil choices are good to use as far as bagged soil that's readily available most places.
The plant looks healthy I'd just try to add more soil in the pot as it gets taller so you're about 1/2"-1" from the top. Good luck with the new style.
how do i mix them ?
I just took a Solo cup and for every ten scoops of soil I'd add 2 scoops of perlite. Not very scientific but it got me where I needed. Then add whatever else like earthworm castings and stir it up in a big Rubbermaid tub.
with no substrate airoponics considering you posted in airoponics. means you have a high pressure pump or low pressure and roots will hang in air and you will mist them every minute for 15 seconds. you can try fogponics but from my experience that asian fogger boils water after some time... maybe i had a shitty one.

if you want substrate you can go classic hydroponic like dwc make water your substrate or go one step over coco its like a spounge no nutes in it basicly hydro but not you water a few times a day. then you can mix coco with dirt water every few days. and then normal dirt....
My 10 head fogger heat water a lot, not recommended
Start seeds in containers. It's really easy to transplant seeds to hydro in 100% perlite.

When you have rooted clones you can put them straight in the system. That's about it
Here are a couple suggestions.

Read about what you're trying too do before you do it. You picked a way of growing that is only easy if you understand the method.

You will learn more from failure than from soliciting strangers for help.

Don't go to YouTube for anything but simple tutorials. If they're selling something, they're full of shit.

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