Please someone Help pale green sick droopy plants


Active Member

my plants are really looking sad and i just dont know what to do anymore.They were kind of doing ok looking perky and all under my florescent tubes Then on Saturday i put them into flower mode 12/12 and they had their first 12 hours of darkness infact their first darkness period sinc they sprouted 6/7 weeks ago as they were on a 24h light cycle.Then yesterday the light were supposed to go on but my whole block had no electricity so they have basically been in darkness for 36 hours or something untill 7AM this morning when the lights went on for their normal 7-7 12/12 light cycle and they were droopy as hell and the soil also felt dry so i gave them a good water just before i took these pics just now.I have been feeding them biobizz fish mix ith every feed with PH 6,8 minieral water from the shop.after adding the nutes the ph goes down to about 6.4 and after testing the latest PH run off just now it was sitting at 5.1 which is low i know. I added some dolomite lime to the soil which should stabilize things but it aint seem to be working...I know they seem a pale green and perhaps more N is required but they seem to get worse with every feed so i think i might be over doing it but i dont know how that is possible as i only add 2ml of the organic nutes to 1,5L of water per plant. Does anyone know what the hell is going on here???? i have attached a whole bunch of pics taken about 30 minutes ago with the droopy leaves. any help will be great thanks... i have researched and researched but i just can't seem to find the right answer


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
They don't really look like they are in trouble. I am sure it was quite a shock going from 24/0 to 36 hours of dark. I think they will be fine once the lights schedule gets a little normal. Good luck, I don't have any experience with Sativas and the Indica cross looks happy to me..


Active Member
thanks for your replies guys..... is just when i caompare them to some of the other grows here they dont look healthy at all.but perhaps you are right maybe i am being paranoid.Little tommy i dont know what that sativa plant is, its some freebie i got from 420 seeds and the indica cross is a whie rhino

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
I agree with Little Tommy... probably just shocked from the 36hrs Darkness... They look like they will perk up... I like your topped plant.. Very nice!! ;)


Well-Known Member
try a tablespoon of epsom salts in a gallon of water or nutrient they look ok plants grown under fluorescents often look wispy and the bud is usually lighter and fluffier than HPS or MH you might want to try bigger pots next time -just a thought good luck


Active Member
ok thanks guys, i'll keep you posted...i will put some more pics up tomorrow or wednesday to track teh progress.Thans RedEyeJedi i had to top that baby because it was really growing fast it might still be a dam male, the smaller one is deffinitely a female though her preflowers are more visible.

thanks Madtrapper, they have been under florescents mostly but also under but i have them under 2 x 250 w HPS lamps for the flowering period now... as for the pots I repotted about 10 days ago into those pots they are 5 or 6 gallon pots. I also did mix 1 tablespoon of espom salts into a gallon last week, i will do that once a week because the biobizz nutes i'm using have no MG nutes....

the only thing i'm a little worried about is the PH run of today which was 5.1 on saturday the ph run off was more or less the same so today i added normal tap water with a PH of 8.1 so i figured that might buffer things out and bring the ph up a little but it didnt....

ok thanks everyone


Active Member
well its been 24 hours later i have just taken these pics and the plants seem to still be very droopy. the soil is still very moist after he last watering.The last 2 days have been pretty warm outside so my room has been warm as well around 87/88 or 29 c. could they be droopy and floppy from the heat?? they were under 2x 250w hps lamps about 40 cm from the lights. if anything they seem like they need alot more Nitrogen to me?? the last pic i took after spraying them down afer a hot day and you can see actually just how bad they really are.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
what kind of enclosure are they in a tote?Is there any air movement? looks be lack of fresh air/circulation or a watering problem.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I am really not seeing a problem here. Good fresh air circulation is important. Those are some of the healthiest looking problem plants I have ever seen. I think you are worried about nothing. Let them (containers) dry out some and see if they don't take off for you.


Well-Known Member
Looks a littlen like overwateing to me. Are you water according to schedule or are you doing the "lift test" to see if watering is necessary.


Active Member
Greetings From South Africa

ok guys they seem a little better but i just cant get the leafs to be perky and maybe it is overwatering but i'm also worried about my last ph run off i took on monday after the last watering i gave them which was 5.1 on my digital PH metre. Here are some pics of the cabinet they are in as my moister metre reading indicating that the pot is very wet so perhaps it is over watering....

i got no idea what the humidity is but i have a wet towel in there which i soak which drains into a bowl below.

as for air circulation there is a window open just behind the box and i have 2 fans inside that room blowing around the air with another fan just outside the room at the doorway which blows air into the room during the day while i am at work.

there is also a pic of my temps which are around 84/85 and thats with only one 250 W hps... i have another 250 w hps in there but thought i'd leaves it off as the temps got a little hight yesterday

they also seem a pale green to me so i gave them a foliar feed of 2ml bio bizz fish mix to 1 litre of water hope this was not a mistake on my part :(

thanks again for your help guys


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
All in all, they look good. A few comments.......

thanks Madtrapper, they have been under florescents mostly but also under but i have them under 2 x 250 w HPS lamps for the flowering period now...
How far were/are the lights away, both fluors and now HPS? That's a pretty radical change regarding light intensity. Naturally they're gonna react by going a little yellow and showing moisture stress, see my sig link.

as for the pots I repotted about 10 days ago into those pots they are 5 or 6 gallon pots. I also did mix 1 tablespoon of espom salts into a gallon last week, i will do that once a week because the biobizz nutes i'm using have no MG nutes....
I see no evidence of a Mg deficiency and the fact that you gave them something they don't need, at an outrageous rate of 1 Tblsp./gallon, is not good. Unless the plants are large, a 5 gallon pot is gonna take a long time to dry. There's not much soil moisture wicking action with a small plant.

the only thing i'm a little worried about is the PH run of today which was 5.1 on saturday the ph run off was more or less the same so today i added normal tap water with a PH of 8.1 so i figured that might buffer things out and bring the ph up a little but it didnt....

ok thanks everyone
Don't worry about pH.

What is the NPK values of your plant food?

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
Don't spray them. They really don't look bad, maybe a little pale. It's like everyone says it's probably shock from the 36 hour darkness. I know some folks use a period of darkness between veg and flower; they think it kickstarts budding but on what evidence I don't know. You should find one of them and ask how their plants looked right after that.

I just did a search "darkness before flowering" searching only thread titles. There are 16 threads potentially containing the information you seek. HTH.