Please sign my Marijuana petition


New Member
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[TD="class: alt1"] Hi everybody, my names Ron,

It's about time marijuana was legal and we have to keep the pressure on our government to legalize marijuana, I just got arrested for possession it's not a real serious charge, since it's the first offense I have had I will probably get an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal.

Though I have attended smoke-ins and posted on forums about legalizing marijuana, I'm tired of being persecuted and being made to feel like a criminal, we need to stand together so I started a petition called,

Decriminalize marijuana, and pardon all marijuana convictions. Over 100,000,000 U.S. Citizens have used marijuana.

at here's the link

Please sign the petition and spread it around we have 1 month to get 100,000 signatures



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Please everybody don't just look and ignore this petition take the first step to freedom and support this cause!
Thank you for signing we're off to a slow start but hopefully things will start "rolling" soon, I'm posting the link on lots of chat boards and comment sections but it would help if everyone spreads the word around especially on Facebook and Twitter which I don't have.

Spread the word!

I will definitely will get the word out marijuana has so many medicinal and enviromental purposes....Spread the word Flower children....signature #4 🚬
Please sign this petition to decriminalize marijuana, it's on the whitehouse website and we need 150 signatures to make it a searchable petition.

It would help if the petition became searchable as soon as it can, I've been posting links to it on marijuana news comments, blogs, websites for over a week and it has about 70 signatures, please pass it around so we can make it go VIRAL!

To all who favor freedom,

Our nation watches and the resolve builds to end Marijuana Prohibition in the United States of America.

We have to keep the pressure on our government to decriminalize marijuana.

Please sign the new whitehouse petition,

Decriminalize marijuana, and pardon all marijuana convictions. Over 100,000,000 U.S. Citizens have used marijuana.

With over 500,000 marijuana arrests costing over $13 billion annually, and with more than half of U.S. Citizens favoring legalization the time is here to end marijuana prohibition.

Marijuana prohibition is very costly to society, wasting billions of dollars and billions of hours in law enforcement, justice system and penal system time, it also destroys families and personal lives and futures.

The effects of marijuana both physically and socially are less harmful than alcohol or tobacco, and adults should be entitled to make the decision whether or not to consume marijuana.

It's time to finally put an end to the criminalization of marijuana, This would not only allow our government to save billions of dollars, but could be a source of income and bring in billions of dollars in revenue.

Thank you,

Thanks everybody the petition only needs 41 more signatures and it will be broadcast on the whitehouse petition website

and then it will have about 2 weeks to get a lot more signatures, another petition for legalization appeared on the site a few days ago and it's over 2000 signatures

Thank you
