
Well-Known Member
Ahhh okay I see, Like i say if I pull 2 1/2 3 Ounces off each plant I have now I’d be over the moon i pulled 2 ounces off each plant i has on my last grow.

Wowww you really think I can fit 9 plants in that tent in only a 1x2 1x2 2 MH I might just look into that actually after I have finished typing this, I imagine they will have to be 8L pots at least or 10L pots I’ve got 16 L I’m now lol I’ll See what stains I can grow eyyy with the same flower time I mean these plants now I vegged them for 4 1/2 weeks and the stretch on some off them was unbelievable with them been different strains there light is as high as it can be lol So what would you recommend I veg the 9 plants for on my next grow? Around 2 weeks from seed, Topped or untopped?
Food for thought though, 3ozx five plants is 420grams and thats a respectable 0.7g a watt 42 gram a week abouts.

Some of us pack our tents to focus on only the canopy and lower growth get little look in so we prefer shorter plants. This puts the max amount of bud in the most usable part of the light.

None of these things should be bad in anyway, i veg four weeks top and put to flower but with brighter veg lights that will be a touch shorter - i do get stretch but the tops are more closer and more the lower that stretches. :-)


Well-Known Member
Food for thought though, 3ozx five plants is 420grams and thats a respectable 0.7g a watt 42 gram a week abouts.

Some of us pack our tents to focus on only the canopy and lower growth get little look in so we prefer shorter plants. This puts the max amount of bud in the most usable part of the light.

None of these things should be bad in anyway, i veg four weeks top and put to flower but with brighter veg lights that will be a touch shorter - i do get stretch but the tops are more closer and more the lower that stretches. :-)
Certainly is food for thought buddy I’ve just been looking at different strains there’s from seedbanks its either Royal Queen Or Sensi Seeds for me I was looking at Sensi a Seeds Jack Herer looks a lovely strain to grow and it’s a lovely smoke to smoke to I’ve smoked it in Amsterdam on my many off visits lol

What would you suggest 10L Square pots? Or 8L square pots Veg for 2 1/2 weeks and flip and see what goes on, I always grow in Coco to and use it’s Echothrive 70% Coco 30


Well-Known Member
Certainly is food for thought buddy I’ve just been looking at different strains there’s from seedbanks its either Royal Queen Or Sensi Seeds for me I was looking at Sensi a Seeds Jack Herer looks a lovely strain to grow and it’s a lovely smoke to smoke to I’ve smoked it in Amsterdam on my many off visits lol

What would you suggest 10L Square pots? Or 8L square pots Veg for 2 1/2 weeks and flip and see what goes on, I always grow in Coco to and use it’s Echothrive 70% Coco 30
Sensi superskunk, also their #1 and skunk also nl x haze, silver skunk, hard to find a bad strain in those. Jack i think is the most exspensive also a big selker. Herbies had a buy five fem get three random free for sensi last week when i ordered, they sent me big bud.

Youll work the grow stuff out, royal queens a little too different for me, one or two classics. I like sensi for price mainly and quality cant be knocked :-)


Well-Known Member
I use 18ltr cloth pots and water about 5ltr a day.

Get a metal halide bulb for veg if you haven't already.

Your doing well but you can always do better. :bigjoint:

Cheers buddy! But 5L a day?? Shitttt I’m in 16 L Rhizos pots i only feed a Litre a day but I’m scared off overwatering I picked that trick up off my uncle he is in his 60’s a think or coming up to them lol Anywaybhes taught me allsorts and his was one off them mix your nutes and additives and leave for a night and then water with a 1L jug the next day which a do, Plus they have always responded well to it.


Well-Known Member
Sensi superskunk, also their #1 and skunk also nl x haze, silver skunk, hard to find a bad strain in those. Jack i think is the most exspensive also a big selker. Herbies had a buy five fem get three random free for sensi last week when i ordered, they sent me big bud.

Youll work the grow stuff out, royal queens a little too different for me, one or two classics. I like sensi for price mainly and quality cant be knocked :-)
Your certainly right about Sensi the first ever grow I done I bought my seeds from there it was good awld White Widow i think all 5 popped and sported But I messed up a bit with it been my first grow then my second grow I nailed it with a different strain from Sensi I can’t remember the exact strain but it was a lovely smoke. Sensis NL x Haze have you seen how much it is for 10 Seeds! They much be brilliant genetics for that price. Royal queen have good genetics to i had a plant that Hermed on me due to a little light leak right next to the plant where it was and I got a loads off sedsnoff it and planted them out the back everyone is showing female traits I have give out the back to on my garden. But since then the light leak has been fixed and all is going well:)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your reply buddy much Appreciated I’ll take it on board, Yeah I’ve heard that that the breeder will say 8 weeks flower time but then I’ve read on forums like this and people say when you flip you don’t count the first 2 weeks you count the first appearance off flowers hence after around 2 weeks as soon as I flipped i strayed adding Canna Boost just to speed they flower process up a bit I’ve also read that it can do that but there’s that much information out there about how to growntou don’t know what to belive really do you. A think I’ll let them go until week 9 but then they are all growing in Coco is it true you can get away with flushing for like 3-4 days in Coco? Just I’ve read people on here stopping nutes and additives at week 7 and flushing for 2 weeks!?!? A was like whatttt a 2 week flush, Cheers Buddy.
Yeah dont flush.....certainly not in coco or hydro......maybe 1/2 max feed for the last week something like that , flushing just starves them with they need food , Unless you nute burn the shit out of them or something.

I actually have minor minor nute burn on my autos at the moment , dont think they like the high nitro grow feed in flower , think theyre sensitive to it so stopping that next watering , thankfully its so light that I can just adjust and carry on

Its all about trichomes with harvesting , sure it could be a great smoke , but if youd have left it a few weeks longer , itd be heavier , stinkier and stronger (almost always)


Well-Known Member
Yeah dont flush.....certainly not in coco or hydro......maybe 1/2 max feed for the last week something like that , flushing just starves them with they need food , Unless you nute burn the shit out of them or something.

I actually have minor minor nute burn on my autos at the moment , dont think they like the high nitro grow feed in flower , think theyre sensitive to it so stopping that next watering , thankfully its so light that I can just adjust and carry on

Its all about trichomes with harvesting , sure it could be a great smoke , but if youd have left it a few weeks longer , itd be heavier , stinkier and stronger (almost always)
Really have you just said don’t flush in Coco that what I’m growing in I’ve always fished from anywhere between 4 days to a week, How come don’t flush in Coco?

I’m always very carefull with my plants regarding nute burn a hate seeing the rips off the leaves starting to go yellow because off nute burn. What autos are you growing at the minute but I’ve always wondered his with autos but just say if you give them 24/0 light will they still flower? I’ll take your advice and leave them a few more weeks looking back at the last grows I have done the buds haven’t been solid solid but hey could off been more dense if you get me? Plus I have always followed the breeders floweres time which I know some people hate on here lol Thanks for your input dude.


Well-Known Member
Really have you just said don’t flush in Coco that what I’m growing in I’ve always fished from anywhere between 4 days to a week, How come don’t flush in Coco?

I’m always very carefull with my plants regarding nute burn a hate seeing the rips off the leaves starting to go yellow because off nute burn. What autos are you growing at the minute but I’ve always wondered his with autos but just say if you give them 24/0 light will they still flower? I’ll take your advice and leave them a few more weeks looking back at the last grows I have done the buds haven’t been solid solid but hey could off been more dense if you get me? Plus I have always followed the breeders floweres time which I know some people hate on here lol Thanks for your input dude.
Whoops I actually meant coco or soil not fucking hydro lol , I only have experience with soil really , but if using organic nutes there would be no need to flush in coco im my opinion.....but dont quote me you need a coco grower to tell you that , flushing in soil with organic nutes is useless.

Got 6 daiquiri limes from DP and a gigabud from g13 labs , first time ive ever got nute burn at all ( autos are very sensitive apparently , can confirm lol) yes they will flower under 24/0 if true autos , better to give them 20/4 or 18/6 though imo. Theyre very uncontrollable with that amount of light though , had to reduce mine to 15/9 because of temps and how tall 2 of them got.

Dont just go off the breeders guidelines and harvest , it will be better everytime if you check the trichomes and watch for them consuming their fan leaves and treat every plant as an individual.The daiquiris are meant to be 10-11 weeks from seed , theyre 13 weeks old and not nearly done for shitttttttt.

To flush or not to flush is the great question , the science says no unless you have nuted the shit out of them and need to flush the medium for them to recover and continue growing (you cannot remove anything from the flowers) , proper drying and curing is what gets all the crap out.

Its all a game of experimenting really
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Well-Known Member
Whoops I actually meant coco or soil not fucking hydro lol , I only have experience with soil really , but if using organic nutes there would be no need to flush in coco im my opinion.....but dont quote me you need a coco grower to tell you that , flushing in soil with organic nutes is useless.

Got 6 daiquiri limes from DP and a gigabud from g13 labs , first time ive ever got nute burn at all ( autos are very sensitive apparently , can confirm lol) yes they will flower under 24/0 if true autos , better to give them 20/4 or 18/6 though imo. Theyre very uncontrollable with that amount of light though , had to reduce mine to 15/9 because of temps and how tall 2 of them got.

Dont just go off the breeders guidelines and harvest , it will be better everytime if you check the trichomes and watch for them consuming their fan leaves and treat every plant as an individual.The daiquiris are meant to be 10-11 weeks from seed , theyre 13 weeks old and not nearly done for shitttttttt.

To flush or not to flush is the great question , the science says no unless you have nuted the shit out of them and need to flush the medium for them to recover and continue growing (you cannot remove anything from the flowers) , proper drying and curing is what gets all the crap out.

Its all a game of experimenting really , no one can tell you what works where you are etc

Ahhh right I was going to say the weed Woudnt taste very nice in my opinion with no flush I’ve tastes flushed weed and non flushed weed and to me there is a difference the non flushed weed is harsher and the flushed weed is a lot smoother.

I’ve never grew in hydro I can’t get my head round it in My book I’m still a beginner I’ve only done 8/9 grows I think but I have grew some brilliant weed which i didn’t think I could do after a lot off research and a few pointers and tips on here they know who they are lol!

G13 labs don’t they only focus on certain strains?? Or am I completely thinking about another seed bank there’s one out there that just puts all there energy and effort into a few strains for the life off me a can’t remember the name off it lol. How are your autos doing at the minute? I find that faainaring that a plant has been tampered with that much it will will with 24 hours light i cant get away with autos me I’ve always been a photo guy but I might buy a couple off seeds this year for propper summers days coming round see what happens with them.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh right I was going to say the weed Woudnt taste very nice in my opinion with no flush I’ve tastes flushed weed and non flushed weed and to me there is a difference the non flushed weed is harsher and the flushed weed is a lot smoother.

I’ve never grew in hydro I can’t get my head round it in My book I’m still a beginner I’ve only done 8/9 grows I think but I have grew some brilliant weed which i didn’t think I could do after a lot off research and a few pointers and tips on here they know who they are lol!

G13 labs don’t they only focus on certain strains?? Or am I completely thinking about another seed bank there’s one out there that just puts all there energy and effort into a few strains for the life off me a can’t remember the name off it lol. How are your autos doing at the minute? I find that faainaring that a plant has been tampered with that much it will will with 24 hours light i cant get away with autos me I’ve always been a photo guy but I might buy a couple off seeds this year for propper summers days coming round see what happens with them.
Dont think ill ever go hydro I like soil and all organics. I dont think its the actual flushing , its meant to remove the buildup of nutrients left in the plant before harvest , as if theres nothing in the soil they used what they have , but in my opinion if you let them flower long enough and correctly , they do this anyway....they're not stupid plants and they know they are going to die ( this is when they start consuming their fan leaves , they know its all coming to an end) , its all in the dry and cure IMO.

Not too sure on G13 , they do a lot of stuff tbh. They were all free seeds and wanted to test a full auto grow so here we are lol. Theyre doing really well the autos apart from the minor nutrient burn , thankfully its really really light and dont think itll be an issue if I take the grow feed out


Well-Known Member
Just remember to check those trichomes on the flowers with at least a 30x magnifying loupe etc , its the only way to really tell.


Well-Known Member
Sorry im on off atm -

We simply challenge you to finish with ferts till the end and green with no flush - This makes for a more skilled grower :-)


Well-Known Member
Just remember to check those trichomes on the flowers with at least a 30x magnifying loupe etc , its the only way to really tell.
They are 7 weeks into flower coming up on Saturday I think ill let them go 8 and a half weeks or 9 weeks with a 4-5 day flush with them been in Coco.


Well-Known Member
Sorry im on off atm -

We simply challenge you to finish with ferts till the end and green with no flush - This makes for a more skilled grower :-)
Finish with nutes and not flush do you mean?
I have always been taught to flush all the nutes and additives out off the medium so the smoke tastes better.


Well-Known Member
They are 7 weeks into flower coming up on Saturday I think ill let them go 8 and a half weeks or 9 weeks with a 4-5 day flush with them been in Coco.
If you want to wing it like that go for it , checking the trichomes will ensure you are harvesting when they are ready , and not before.

You cannot remove anything from the bud material by flushing the medium , all it does is make the plant use up the stores of materials it has in cells because theres nothing left in the medium.Flowers are sinks for nutrients supposedly and once there , they cannot be removed unless by the drying and curing process

In my opinion , they do this anyway when they are taken to full ripeness , even if there is available nutrients in the media......they just suck it all out of their leaves towards the end (flushing makes this happen much MUCH sooner). My non flushed super lemon haze from last grow is some of the best and smoothest smoke ive ever had :/

The thing is you can be told everything which way and what , but until you do it......whole different story.

It makes sense to me though


Well-Known Member
If you want to wing it like that go for it , checking the trichomes will ensure you are harvesting when they are ready , and not before.

You cannot remove anything from the bud material by flushing the medium , all it does is make the plant use up the stores of materials it has in cells because theres nothing left in the medium.Flowers are sinks for nutrients supposedly and once there , they cannot be removed unless by the drying and curing process

In my opinion , they do this anyway when they are taken to full ripeness , even if there is available nutrients in the media......they just suck it all out of their leaves towards the end (flushing makes this happen much MUCH sooner). My non flushed super lemon haze from last grow is some of the best and smoothest smoke ive ever had :/

The thing is you can be told everything which way and what , but until you do it......whole different story.

It makes sense to me though

Cheers for your advice buddy what you say rings true this is my only 4/5 grow I think but I’ve grew up around it with uncles and cousins and I’ve always knew how to grow it’s just needed my own place now I’ve had it for 8 year now but my ex’s wouldn’t let me grow where now I have a girl that isn’t bothered about me growing.

Anyway, In my experience when I’ve been flushing before I flush them in the bath with 10L off water each and you can literally see all the brown Shit coming out off the coco out the bottom, So the coco obviously holds something I don’t think I would never smoke without flushing I wouldn’t really want to smoke fertilised weed but what I have noticed when flushing is all the leaves turn yellow and start to crumble off I suppose to this matches up to what you are saying is in the plant using up all it nutrients??


Well-Known Member
Cheers for your advice buddy what you say rings true this is my only 4/5 grow I think but I’ve grew up around it with uncles and cousins and I’ve always knew how to grow it’s just needed my own place now I’ve had it for 8 year now but my ex’s wouldn’t let me grow where now I have a girl that isn’t bothered about me growing.

Anyway, In my experience when I’ve been flushing before I flush them in the bath with 10L off water each and you can literally see all the brown Shit coming out off the coco out the bottom, So the coco obviously holds something I don’t think I would never smoke without flushing I wouldn’t really want to smoke fertilised weed but what I have noticed when flushing is all the leaves turn yellow and start to crumble off I suppose to this matches up to what you are saying is in the plant using up all it nutrients??
No worries buddy ,yeah theyre definitely is shit built up in the medium at the end for sure , same with soil I suppose.

Yeah youll see them eat leaves once in a while here and there , usually top or bottom ones , but when you start to flush BOOM you get the whole thing madly start to eat its leaves , in my experience this happens late enough in flower anyway , and all those nutrients surely are being sucked out of the leaves and whatever can be moved to the buds/flowers is being so.

Flushing mediums for re using and re adding fertiliser , or nuked the shit out of them with nutes? YES I can completely see that , but after seeing them do what they do when they get flushed anyway at the end......I wasnt so sure it was worth im almost solid its a no no for me , they really do seem to do exactly the same thing if left long enough to be properly ripe , they definitely know they are doing to die and its one last ditch effort to get everything into as many flowers as possible.....flushing seems to only force this process imo

Just gave my lot 3ml bio bloom , top max and bio heaven from biobizz with their last feed , cut out the 1ml grow because of the slight nutrient burn , in a few days I can already see them eating some leaves because theyve got much less nitro than theyre used to I guess , 14 weeks along with these autos I mean theyre getting there , could just be that , dont think its a coincidence though. I use fresh biobizz all mix soil every run , thankfully the used stuff gets recycled (and its still amazing soil apparently lol)

Had some fuck ups when younger , only recently started again , on my 6th grow with this setup , lessons still keep coming thick and fast hehe
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